St Maarten PM in Holland to Convince Knops To Transfer €19 Million Euros

St Maarten PM in Holland to Convince Knops To Transfer €19 Million Euros
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New Full Knops Report About His Visit To St Maarten Latest

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New Full Knops Report About His Visit To St Maarten Latest

New Full Knops Report About His Visit To St Maarten Latest

Working visit to Sint Maarten 19 and 20 May

The program of the visit contained several subjects, but due to the current developments it was mainly focused on the situation surrounding the airport and my letter of 12 May to the Prime Minister of Sint Maarten in which I informed her about my decision. to put the fifth tranche of liquidity support back on the agenda for the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of May 28, 2014. In addition, I held talks regarding law enforcement and made working visits in the context of reconstruction and vaccination.

As usual, talks were planned with Governor Holiday and the Prime Minister of Sint Maarten. Good governance, particularly at the airport, and the maintenance of the fifth tranche of liquidity support in the Council of Ministers were central to these discussions. This was also the topic of discussion in a conversation with the chairman of the states, Mr Brison. I have reiterated and explained in more detail the rationale for maintaining the liquidity support, as described in the letter of 12 May last.

I had the conversation with Prime Minister Jacobs and Minister of Finance Irion in the presence of the Special Representative for Reconstruction and member of the steering committee, Mr Weekers, who has maintained intensive contacts over the past period and has repeatedly expressed concerns about the developments surrounding the airport with me. and the government of Sint Maarten has shared. The prime minister acknowledged that the “hands off” approach taken by the government as a shareholder of the airport until recently has led to serious problems with good governance. Together with the Minister of Finance Irion, she further confirmed that she saw the need for the deployment of Royal Schiphol Group (RSG) during the recovery project. They explained which steps have been and will be taken to restore good governance at the airport. I note that serious actions seem to be taken, but given the repeatedly damaged trust, I want to see action first. When asked, I have therefore informed the Prime Minister that I do not wish to prejudge the discussion about this in the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of May 28. I sincerely hope that the government of Sint Maarten will act in the interests of the country and its inhabitants and RSG on May 26 as knows how to convince with structural adjustments.

In the conversation I also mentioned a number of points that are important for the progress of a number of processes. For example, I asked the Prime Minister to confirm the commitment of the government to the proposed planning for the further report of the COHO Act, which she has done. Another point concerns the takeover and thus continuity of the humanitarian aid program. At present, Sint Maarten has not yet signed the mutual humanitarian aid scheme. I have asked her to sign the mutual arrangement so that the granting of subsidies and thus the continuation of the program can be guaranteed. She has promised to inquire about the state of affairs. I have also asked once again to confirm the agreements regarding technical assistance for the waste problem so that it can start. The Prime Minister indicated that he would return to this soon. I have also expressed my concerns about vaccination coverage, which remains at a disappointing and worrying level despite massive support from the Netherlands. Subsequently, the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance announced that the new Minister of Health, Social Development and Labor is launching new campaigns to increase vaccination coverage. Minister Richardson marks milestone at Function Book completion Latest

Finally, I indicated that I did not find the publication of correspondence between governments on current trajectories productive for regaining confidence and improving our cooperation. Since this has happened, I have felt compelled to also make public my response to the published letter of 6 May. This method should not be structural.

In Ministerial Consultation with Prime Minister Jacobs and Minister of Justice, Mrs. Richardson, I spoke about the situation regarding the police and the prison system. I have expressed my disappointment at the fact that time and again the progress committee sees little or no improvement, but even a worsening of the situation. For example, the function book for the police force has still not been established and the police capacity is a cause for concern. The situation in prison is not improving either. In October 2018, an agreement list for improvement measures was agreed between the Netherlands and Sint Maarten, some of which have still not been implemented by Sint Maarten. The improvement measures are now part of the national package. Where Minister Richardson assured me in January 2021 that the agreed improvement measures in accordance with the country package would be ready on 15 June, she now told me that that date will not be met. We also discussed the assignment to UNOPS to realize a new prison. I have asked the minister not to wait any longer to approve the UNOPS project proposal, so that UNOPS can continue with the preparations. Minister Richardson has since agreed.

The establishment of the Integrity Chamber in 2017 was a condition for making reconstruction resources available. The Integrity Chamber is charged, among other things, with advising on the general integrity promotion policy of Sint Maarten. I spoke to the members of the Integrity Chamber about the results achieved. Examples of this are a started communication campaign and advice on the Sint Maarten Stimulus and Relief Program. I requested the Prime Minister of Sint Maarten to transfer the contributions for 2021 to the Integrity Chamber. After all, from 2022, Sint Maarten itself will be responsible for financing the Integrity Chamber.

Together with vaccination consultant Dr. Sprenger, who has been appointed by the State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport to assist countries and islands of the Caribbean part of the Kingdom in the preparation and implementation of the vaccination program, I spoke to the Vaccination Management Team at the Bell Air Community Center , one of the injection sites on Sint Maarten. Despite all the efforts of this team and volunteers and support from the Netherlands to set up the vaccination program, to implement it and to approach the various target groups, the vaccination rate is still very low, namely 35%. The target of giving all adult residents the first injection before 1 May has not been achieved and the target of achieving a vaccination rate of 85% before the start of the hurricane season is no longer feasible. The population of Sint Maarten seems insufficiently aware of the risks to their health and the recovery of the economy. In view of the increasing number of infections now observed, the far-lagging vaccination coverage, the arrival of new variants and the approaching hurricane season, it cannot be emphasized enough that it is important that the number of vaccinated people increases.

In the context of the reconstruction I paid several working visits to projects. The first project involved “clearing shipwrecks” as part of the Emergency Debris Management Project in Simpson Bay. These are boats that have sunk as a result of hurricanes Irma and Maria (2017) and Luis (1995). The project had a long run-up, but is now in full swing. Some 40 of the 109 shipwrecks have now been cleared. In addition, the shores of the Bay are also being cleaned. The visible results lead to positive reactions in the community. The remains of the shipwrecks and debris are separated and disposed of, so that the burden on the local waste mountain is nil. The Nature Foundation is involved in safeguarding the protection of the ecosystem. The work is scheduled to be completed in October. During the work, new wrecks were found, including among removed wrecks. It is currently being explored whether it is also possible to have these wrecks removed within the project.

Also in the context of the reconstruction, I visited an entrepreneur who uses financing through the Enterprise Support Project (ESP). This project aims to stimulate SME activities by providing loans and grants to entrepreneurs. Thanks to this project, the entrepreneur is able to repair the serious damage to his catamaran so that it can be chartered again and he can generate income. It was good to see what the trust fund can mean for entrepreneurs through this project, especially in times of crisis. Another project from the Reconstruction Trust Fund that provides financial support to projects of various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the island is Resources for Community Resilience (R4CR). Purpose of this

project is to strengthen civil society in Sint Maarten in support of reconstruction and increase the resilience of the local community. The first applications for project funding were approved at the end of December 2020. The second round will be awarded shortly. I visited a multifunctional recreation park in Middle Region to which various organizations contributed. The financing has made the realization of the playground possible. The community makes active use of the recreation park. I also visited the Steelpan Music Program for Schools and Prison of the NGO Dow Musical Foundation (DMF). DMF sustained damage from Hurricane Irma, lost saucepans and was unable to generate sufficient income from membership fees. The COVID pandemic exacerbated the situation. Steelpan is part of Sint Maarten’s cultural heritage and as such is a powerful medium to reach a large community. The funding makes it possible to purchase additional steel pans and to organize saucepan classes in two public schools, the prison and the juvenile detention center.

Finally, I visited the airport where I was informed by the project team about the preparations for and progress of the tendering process for the airport’s restoration. It is expected that the contract will be signed in the summer and work can start 3 years after the start of this project.

So my visit to Sint Maarten had two faces. In addition to encouraging signs of hope and resilience in society, there are serious concerns about whether the government is able to sustainably safeguard necessary changes in the interests of the future of the population of Sint Maarten.

The State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations,

drs. R.W. Knops

Aan de voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Betreft 26 mei 2021
Reisverslag werkbezoek Sint Eustatius, Saba en Sint Maarten
16 tot en met 21 mei 2021


Met deze brief doe ik uw Kamer verslag van mijn reis naar Sint Eustatius, Saba en Sint Maarten van 16 tot en met 20 mei 2021. Aanleiding voor de reis was kennisnemen van de voortgang op de eilanden. Bij Sint Eustatius ging dit met name om de verbeterde infrastructuur en de vaccinatiebereidheid van de eilandbewoners; bij Saba stond bereikbaarheid van het eiland centraal. Op beide eilanden zijn er ook gesprekken gevoerd over de huidige situatie omtrent COVID19. Tevens heb ik een bezoek gebracht aan Sint Maarten om de actuele situatie rond de wederopbouw, de onderlinge samenwerking zoals overeengekomen op 22 december 2020 en de daarmee verbonden liquiditeitssteun te bespreken.

Werkbezoek Sint Eustatius 16 en 17 mei

Op 16 mei 2020 laat in de middag landde ik op Sint-Eustatius waar gelijk zichtbaar werd dat er tijdens deze COVID-periode hard is doorgewerkt. De nieuwe verkeerstoren en aankomst- en vertrekhal zijn bijna klaar voor opening en de luchthaven is qua capaciteit voorbereid op het ontvangen van meer passagiers. Tijdens het diner heb ik in aanwezigheid van de vaccinatiegezant, de heer dr.
Sprenger, van het ministerie van VWS gesproken met de plaatsvervangend Regeringscommissaris en de Eilandsecretaris over mijn zorgen over de vaccinatiebereidheid van de Statiaanse bevolking. Vanaf 22 februari is gestart met het vaccineren van de bevolking met het Moderna-vaccin. Echter, men wantrouwt het vaccin en de vaccinatiegraad stokt op 45%. Ik vind dit zorgelijk en heb aangegeven dat het eiland niet oneindig steun toegekend kan krijgen en als gevolg van de lage vaccinatiebereidheid op slot kan blijven. Tot nu toe heeft de Nederlandse regering zo’n € 5,5 miljoen toegekend in de vorm van loon- en steunpakketten. Bij de start is afgesproken dat een vaccinatiegraad van 80% gewenst was om het eiland weer echt te kunnen openen. Daarom heb ik gevraagd om samen met de vaccinatiegezant een nieuw handelingsperspectief te ontwikkelen, waardoor dit alsnog binnen bereik komt..

Ook kwamen onderwerpen als het nieuw te bouwen overheidsgebouw, het financieel verbeterplan en de loslopende geiten aan de orde. Met eigen ogen heb
Pagina 1 van 8
ik kunnen aanschouwen wat deze loslopende geiten en ander vee aan schade veroorzaken aan de Quill en National Boven Park. Hierna kreeg ik een rondleiding van de heer Barnhoorn, eigenaar van het Oasis Golden Rock Dive Center, die 37 miljoen dollar heeft geïnvesteerd om een hotel te bouwen op de zuidkant van het Eiland. De eigenaar heeft als visie om uitsluitend lokale mensen een baan te bieden, gecombineerd met training en opleiding. Dit biedt het eiland nieuwe mogelijkheden, maar daarvoor is het wel van belang dat er een goede infrastructuur aan wegen ligt, zodat toeristen zich veilig kunnen verplaatsen en dat het eiland spoedig ‘open’ kan. Ik zie voortgang op het gebied van de wegen, maar de aanleg van een veilige weg naar dit resort is van groot belang.

Tijdens mijn werkbezoeken vind ik het belangrijk om lokale mensen te ontmoeten en daar was tijdens deze reis ook in voorzien. Zo sprak ik met een bewoner van een sociale huurwoning, de aannemer die deze woningen bouwt en met werknemers die wegen aanleggen. Inmiddels is er 4,2 kilometer aan weg vernieuwd. Dat de inwoners hier blij mee zijn bleek wel uit de enthousiaste reacties van de inwoners van Cherry Tree die hun dank uitten over deze ontwikkeling. Deze wijk had vele zandwegen, maar is nu geheel geasfalteerd, wat bijdraagt aan het woonplezier en de toegankelijkheid. Van de heer Cuvalay van het water- en energiebedrijf Stuco kreeg ik een korte toelichting op de uitbreiding van de watercapaciteit. Daarna heb ik de eerste rotonde van Sint Eustatius geopend, samen met de eigenaar van Statia Road Construction, de heer Lopes.

Hierna had ik samen met de vaccinatiegezant en de GGD een gesprek met de kerkelijk leiders. Ook daar heb ik mijn zorgen over de vaccinatiebereidheid gedeeld. De kerkelijke leiders hebben aangegeven dat zij de leden van hun kerkgenootschappen voldoende hebben geïnformeerd, maar dat het zou helpen als in deze fase opnieuw feitelijke informatie verstrekt zou worden. Een suggestie was om dit met hulp van de opgedane kennis en ervaring van Saba te doen. Aansluitend sprak ik met directeur Bohman en de Marine Park Manager, mevrouw Berkel van natuurorganisatie Stenapa en de eigenaren van de twee duikscholen, de heer Harterink en mevrouw Bellevang, over het benutten van het Marinepark bij herstel van de economie en over hun zorgen over het hebben van geen perspectief op het openen vanwege de lage vaccinatiegraad, de schade die geiten aanrichten op het eiland en de nadelige gevolgen ervan voor het Marinepark. Dit naar aanleiding van een nieuwe natuurverordening die op dit moment wordt besproken met de verschillende stakeholders.

Na dit gesprek sprak ik met de voltallige Eilandsraad. Voor aanvang van het overleg ontving ik een brief van hen waarin mij werd gevraagd om in de huidige wet (Wet herstel voorzieningen Sint Eustatius) drie belangrijke artikelen vroegtijdig in werking te laten treden. Deze brief is door de Eilandsraad ook naar uw Kamer verzonden. Daarnaast werd ook gevraagd om nu al twee gedeputeerden te benoemen en gelijktijdig de bevoegdheid van de
Regeringscommissaris in stand te houden. Beide voorstellen zijn in strijd met de huidige wet herstel voorzieningen Sint Eustatius, die met zeer brede steun is aangenomen in zowel de Tweede als Eerste Kamer. Ik heb de Eilandsraad aangegeven dat ik volledig achter de wet sta en dat het amenderen van de wet niet door de Eilandsraad gebeurt maar door de Tweede Kamer. Mijn reactie op dit ingediende voorstel wordt deze week ter kennisname separaat aan u gestuurd.

Hierna heb ik samen met de plaatsvervangend Regeringscommissaris, mevrouw Francis, een radio-interview gegeven waarin ik ben ingegaan op actuele vragen, mijn ervaringen van de afgelopen jaren en de bereikte resultaten. Tot slot bezocht ik de archeologische opgraving naast het vliegveld. De directeur van Secar (Sint
Eustatius Archeologic Research) tevens directeur van het project, de heer Stelten, heeft de vondst van ca. 35 graven van slaven laten zien en een toelichting gegeven. Dit is tot nu toe één van de grootste blootgelegde slavenbegraafplaatsen in de Caribische regio. De vondst kan een zeer belangrijke rol spelen om meer inzicht te krijgen in het Slavernijverleden en daarmee in de zwarte bladzijden van de koloniale geschiedenis.
Naast de plek van de opgraving herrijst een nieuwe luchthaven en hier kreeg ik van de Manager Airport, de heer Wilson, en de commercieel manager transport, de heer Oegjadir, een toelichting op innovatie die wordt doorgevoerd bij de afhandeling van passagiers, waardoor Sint Eustatius beter is toegerust voor de toekomst.

Dat op Sint Eustatius flinke stappen zijn gezet is mij tijdens deze reis duidelijk geworden: veel wegen liggen er beter bij, er is een betrouwbare watervoorziening gerealiseerd, binnenkort wordt een gloednieuwe luchthaven geopend, de internetconnectie is goedkoper en sneller geworden en het eiland krijgt met de toevoeging van een nieuw resort een extra impuls.

Werkbezoek Saba 17 en 18 mei

Op 17 en 18 mei bezocht ik Saba. Hier heb ik gesproken met het bestuurscollege, de eilandsraad en de onlangs geïnstalleerde jeugdraad. Ook heb ik gesproken met het Outbreak Management Team over de succesvolle corona-aanpak en bezocht ik een aantal projecten op het eiland.

Tijdens mijn gesprekken met het bestuurscollege en de eilandsraad heb ik mijn waardering uitgesproken voor de wijze waarop het openbaar lichaam opereert waar het gaat om goed bestuur en financieel beheer. Het is prettig samenwerken met Saba. De lokale overheid neemt initiatief en verantwoordelijkheid, gesprekken zijn constructief maar ook – terecht – kritisch. Bij ieder bezoek aan Saba zie ik vooruitgang. Voorbeelden zijn de aanleg van de nieuwe haven, verbeteringen in het afvalbeheer en de aanpak van de geitenproblematiek door de introductie van duurzame geitenhouderij en populatiebeheersing in samenwerking met het Wereld Natuur Fonds.

Ook de aanpak van de coronacrisis oogst lof. Het multidisciplinaire Outbreak Management Team heeft mij uitvoerig geïnformeerd over hun aanpak om het virus te bestrijden, over de effecten van de lockdownmaatregelen en over de vaccinatiecampagne. Inmiddels is meer dan 90 procent van de volwassenen gevaccineerd.
Met het bestuurscollege heb ik gesproken over de voortgang van de uitvoering van de Saba Package. Saba werkt constructief met de departementen om tot de afgesproken resultaten te komen. In het gesprek met het bestuurscollege is voor de periode mei 2021 tot en met mei 2022 de uitvoeringsagenda van de Saba Package vastgesteld om gestructureerd en gericht verder te werken. In het gesprek is de hoogte van de vrije uitkering ook aan bod gekomen. Het tekort aan structurele middelen op de begroting maakt dat Saba steeds vaker incidentele middelen moet inzetten om de structurele kosten te dekken. Daarom heb ik dit jaar eenmalig een extra bedrag van USD 1 miljoen toegevoegd aan de vrije uitkering, vrij besteedbaar. Ik ben mij ervan bewust dat dit slechts een tijdelijke oplossing is voor een structureel probleem. Het is echter aan het volgende kabinet om een passende oplossing te vinden.

Tijdens mijn bezoek aan Saba had ik het genoegen met de jeugdraad te spreken.
De jeugdraad bestaat uit zes ambitieuze leerlingen van de Saba Comprehensive School en is op 1 mei jl. officieel door het bestuurscollege geïnstalleerd. Met het zestal heb ik gesproken over hun ideeën op het gebied van sport, gezondheidszorg, onderwijs en de algemene ontwikkeling van Saba, maar ook over de rollen en verantwoordelijkheden van de jeugdraad. Een van de eerste projecten van de jeugdraad is het organiseren van een sport clinic waarbij twee professionele atleten naar Saba komen om jongeren te enthousiasmeren voor sport.

In de gesprekken met het bestuurscollege en de jeugdraad kwamen ook de kosten en snelheid van het internet ter sprake. Ik heb Saba nogmaals aangeboden zich aan te sluiten bij het investeringsvoorstel van de Statia Saba Cable System (SSCS) BV. Dit voorstel heeft op Sint Eustatius geleid tot een korting op de internetrekening van USD 10 per maand voor inwoners en bedrijven en tot minimaal 20% hogere internetsnelheid.
Al met al kijk ik met veel genoegen terug op mijn bezoek aan Saba.

Werkbezoek Sint Maarten 19 en 20 mei

Het programma van het bezoek bevatte meerdere onderwerpen, maar stond door de actuele ontwikkelingen vooral in het teken van de ontstane situatie rond de luchthaven en mijn brief van 12 mei jl. aan de minister-president van Sint Maarten waarin ik haar heb geïnformeerd over mijn besluit de vijfde tranche liquiditeitssteun opnieuw te agenderen voor de Rijksministerraad van 28 mei a.s. Ik verwijs voor een uitgebreide toelichting naar deze brief die ik als bijlage heb toegevoegd. Daarnaast heb ik gesprekken gevoerd met betrekking tot rechtshandhaving en werkbezoeken afgelegd in het kader van wederopbouw en vaccinatie.

Zoals gebruikelijk stonden gesprekken gepland met gouverneur Holiday en de minister-president van Sint Maarten. In deze gesprekken stonden goed bestuur, met name op de luchthaven, en agendering van het aanhouden van de vijfde tranche liquiditeitssteun in de Rijksministerraad centraal. Ook in een gesprek met de voorzitter van de staten, de heer Brison, was dit het gespreksonderwerp. Ik heb de beweegredenen om de liquiditeitssteun aan te houden, zoals beschreven in de brief van 12 mei jl. herhaald en nader toegelicht.

Het gesprek met minister-president Jacobs en minister van financiën Irion voerde ik in aanwezigheid van de speciaal vertegenwoordiger wederopbouw en lid van de stuurgroep de heer Weekers, die de afgelopen periode intensieve contacten heeft onderhouden en herhaaldelijk zijn zorgen over de ontwikkelingen rond de luchthaven met mij en de regering van Sint Maarten heeft gedeeld. De ministerpresident erkende dat de ‘hands off’ benadering die de regering als aandeelhouder van de luchthaven tot recent voerde heeft geleid tot ernstige problemen met betrekking tot goed bestuur. Samen met minister van Financiën Irion bevestigde zij verder de noodzaak te zien van de inzet van Royal Schiphol Group (RSG) gedurende het herstelproject. Zij hebben toegelicht welke stappen zijn en zullen worden gezet om goed bestuur op de luchthaven te herstellen. Ik constateer dat er serieuze acties lijken te worden genomen, maar gelet op het herhaaldelijk beschadigd vertrouwen wil ik eerst daden zien. Ik heb de ministerpresident dan ook desgevraagd laten weten niet vooruit te willen lopen op de bespreking hierover in de Rijksministerraad van 28 mei a.s. Ik hoop van harte dat de regering van Sint Maarten handelt in het belang van het land en haar inwoners en RSG op 26 mei a.s. weet te overtuigen met structurele aanpassingen.

In het gesprek heb ik ook een aantal punten benoemd die van belang zijn voor de voortgang van een aantal trajecten. Zo heb ik de minister-president verzocht het commitment van de regering aan de voorgestelde planning voor het nader rapport rijkswet COHO te bevestigen, wat zij heeft gedaan. Een ander punt betreft de overname en daarmee continuïteit van het humanitair hulpprogramma. Op dit moment heeft Sint Maarten de onderlinge regeling humanitair hulpprogramma nog niet getekend. Ik heb haar verzocht de onderlinge regeling te tekenen zodat de subsidieverlening en daarmee voortzetting van het programma kan worden gegarandeerd. Zij heeft toegezegd navraag te doen naar de stand van zaken. Verder heb ik nogmaals verzocht de afspraken met betrekking tot technische assistentie voor de afvalproblematiek te bevestigen zodat deze kan starten. De minister-president gaf aan hier spoedig op terug te komen. Ook heb ik mijn zorgen geuit over de vaccinatiegraad, die ondanks massieve steun vanuit Nederland op een teleurstellend en zorgelijk niveau blijft steken. Daarop lieten de minister-president en minister van Financiën weten dat de nieuwe minister van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en Arbeid nieuwe campagnes opzet om de vaccinatiegraad te verhogen.

Tot slot heb ik aangegeven het publiceren van correspondentie tussen regeringen over lopende trajecten niet productief te vinden voor het herwinnen van vertrouwen en verbeteren van onze samenwerking. Omdat dit gebeurd is, heb ik mij genoodzaakt gevoeld mijn reactie op de openbaar gemaakte brief van 6 mei eveneens openbaar te maken. Deze werkwijze zou niet structureel moeten zijn.

Tijdens een Ministerieel Overleg met minister-president Jacobs en minister van Justitie, mevrouw Richardson, sprak ik over de situatie rond politie en het gevangeniswezen. Ik heb mijn teleurstelling uitgesproken over het feit dat de voortgangscommissie keer op keer weinig of geen verbetering waarneemt maar zelfs een verslechtering van de situatie. Zo is het functieboek voor het politiekorps nog steeds niet vastgesteld en de politiecapaciteit zorgelijk. Ook de situatie in de gevangenis verbetert niet. In oktober 2018 is een afsprakenlijst verbetermaatregelen overeengekomen tussen Nederland en Sint Maarten waarvan een deel nog steeds niet is uitgevoerd door Sint Maarten. Inmiddels maken de verbetermaatregelen onderdeel uit van het landspakket. Waar minister Richardson mij in januari 2021 verzekerde dat de overeengekomen verbetermaatregelen conform het landspakket 15 juni a.s. gereed zouden zijn vertelde zij mij nu dat die datum niet gehaald zal worden. Verder hebben wij gesproken over de opdracht aan UNOPS om een nieuwe gevangenis te realiseren. Ik heb de minister verzocht niet langer te wachten om het projectvoorstel van UNOPS goed te keuren, zodat UNOPS verder kan met de voorbereidingen. Inmiddels heeft minister Richardson ingestemd.

De oprichting van de Integriteitskamer gold in 2017 als voorwaarde voor het beschikbaar stellen van wederopbouwmiddelen. De Integriteitskamer is onder andere belast met het geven van adviezen over het beleid ter algemene integriteitsbevordering van Sint Maarten. Ik sprak met de leden van de Integriteitskamer over de behaalde resultaten. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn een gestarte communicatiecampagne en een advies over het Sint Maarten Stimulus and Relief Programme. Ik verzocht de minister-president van Sint Maarten om de bijdragen voor 2021 over te maken naar de Integriteitskamer. Vanaf 2022 is Sint Maarten immers zelf verantwoordelijk voor de financiering van de Integriteitskamer.

Samen met vaccinatiegezant dr. Sprenger, die door de staatssecretaris van VWS is aangesteld om (ei)landen van het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk te assisteren bij de voorbereiding en uitvoering van het vaccinatieprogramma, sprak ik het Vaccinatie Management Team in het Bell Air Community Center, een van de priklocaties op Sint Maarten. Ondanks alle inspanningen van dit team en vrijwilligers en ondersteuning vanuit Nederland om het vaccinatieprogramma op te zetten, uit te voeren en de diverse doelgroepen te benaderen is de vaccinatiegraad nog altijd bijzonder laag, namelijk 35%. De doelstelling om voor 1 mei alle volwassen inwoners de eerste prik te geven is niet gehaald en de doelstelling om voor het begin van het orkaanseizoen een vaccinatiegraad van 85% te behalen is niet meer haalbaar. De bevolking van Sint Maarten lijkt zich onvoldoende bewust van de risico’s voor hun gezondheid en herstel van de economie. Gelet op het stijgend aantal besmettingen dat nu wordt waargenomen, de ver achterblijvende vaccinatiegraad, de intrede van nieuwe varianten en het naderende orkaanseizoen kan niet genoeg benadrukt worden dat het van belang is dat het aantal gevaccineerde personen toeneemt.

In het kader van de wederopbouw heb ik diverse werkbezoeken gebracht aan projecten. Het eerste project betrof het ‘ruimen van scheepswrakken’ als onderdeel van het afvalproject (Emergency Debris Management Project) in Simpson Baai. Het gaat om boten die gezonken zijn als gevolg van orkanen Irma en Maria (2017) en Luis (1995). Het project kende een lange aanloop, maar is nu volop in uitvoering. Er zijn inmiddels zo’n 40 van de 109 scheepswrakken geruimd. Daarnaast worden ook de oevers van de Baai geschoond. De zichtbare resultaten leiden tot positieve reacties in de gemeenschap. De resten van de scheepswrakken en het puin worden gescheiden en afgevoerd, zodat de belasting op de lokale afvalberg nihil is. De Nature Foundation is betrokken om de bescherming van het ecosysteem te borgen. De werkzaamheden zullen volgens planning in oktober worden afgerond. Tijdens de werkzaamheden zijn nieuwe wrakken aangetroffen, onder andere onder verwijderde wrakken. Er wordt momenteel verkend of het mogelijk is ook deze wrakken te laten verwijderen binnen het project.

Eveneens in het kader van de wederopbouw bracht ik een bezoek aan een ondernemer die gebruik maakt van financiering via het Enterprise Support Project (ESP). Dit project beoogt het stimuleren van MKB-activiteiten door het verstrekken van leningen en grants aan ondernemers. Dankzij dit project is de ondernemer in staat de ernstige schade aan zijn catamaran te herstellen zodat deze weer gecharterd kan worden en hij inkomen kan genereren. Het was goed om te zien wat het trustfonds via dit project kan betekenen voor ondernemers, zeker in tijden van crisis. Een ander project uit het trustfonds wederopbouw dat financiële steun verleent aan projecten van verschillende non-gouvernementele organisaties (NGO’s) op het eiland is Resources for Community Resilience (R4CR). Doel van dit project is het versterken van het maatschappelijk middenveld op Sint Maarten ter ondersteuning van de wederopbouw en vergroting van de weerbaarheid van de lokale gemeenschap. Eind december 2020 zijn de eerste aanvragen voor projectfinanciering goedgekeurd. De tweede ronde zal eerdaags worden gegund. Ik heb een multifunctioneel recreatiepark in Middle Region bezocht waar diverse organisaties aan hebben bijgedragen. De financiering heeft de realisatie van de speeltuin mogelijk gemaakt. De gemeenschap maakt actief gebruik van het recreatiepark. Daarnaast bracht ik een bezoek aan het Steelpan Music Program for Schools and Prison van de NGO Dow Musical Foundation (DMF). DMF ondervond duurzame schade na orkaan Irma, verloor steelpannen en kon niet voldoende inkomsten genereren uit lidmaatschapsbijdragen. De COVIDpandemie verergerde de situatie. Steelpan maakt deel uit van het cultureel erfgoed van Sint Maarten en is als zodanig een krachtig medium om een grote gemeenschap te bereiken. De financiering maakt het mogelijk extra stalen pannen aan te schaffen en steelpan-lessen te organiseren op twee openbare scholen, de gevangenis en de jeugdinrichting.

Tot slot bracht ik een bezoek aan de luchthaven waar ik geïnformeerd ben door het projectteam over de voorbereidingen voor en verloop van het aanbestedingsproces voor het herstel van de luchthaven. Naar verwachting zal in de zomer het contract worden getekend en kunnen de werkzaamheden 3 jaar na de start van dit project beginnen.

Mijn bezoek aan Sint Maarten had dus twee gezichten. Naast bemoedigende tekenen van hoop en veerkracht in de samenleving, bestaan er grote zorgen over de vraag of het bestuur in staat is noodzakelijke veranderingen duurzaam te borgen in het belang van de toekomst van de bevolking van Sint Maarten.

De staatssecretaris van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties,

drs. R.W. Knops

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The Covid19 Rate is skyrocketing in St Maarten as another person dies.

New Death from Covid-19 In St Maarten Latest

The Covid19 Rate is skyrocketing in St Maarten as another person dies.
byu/MzSandry inCOVID19

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Minister Richardson marks milestone at Function Book completion Latest

Minister Richardson marks milestone as Function Book is in its final stage of completion

The Minister of Justice, Ms. Anna E. Richardson, is pleased to present an update on the progression of the Ministry’s Function Book (FB). Minister Richardson has confirmed that the Function Book is near its completion, currently at the Council of Advice awaiting the final stage of reviews.

Over the past months, a series of reviews and revisions of the FB draft were undertaken with the relevant parties tasked in supporting its completion and ratification. Prior to being sent to the Council of Advice, the Function Book was presented to the Committee of Civil Servants Unions (CCSU) on December 22nd 2020, where it was reviewed and subsequently returned with their rendered advice on February 26th, 2021. Upon receipt of the CCSU review, Minister Richardson sent a written response to the union on April 29th 2021, based on their advice, to further provide clarity on the draft. In addition, where necessary, adjustments were made to ensure all elements of the draft were clear and understood by all parties.

At present, the Function Book has officially entered into the legislative process since being approved by the Council of Ministers on May 11th 2021. Continuing with the legal process, on May 21st 2021 the FB package was forwarded on to the Governor’s Cabinet for further handling and then on to the Council of Advice for review and advice. Having entered into the legislative process for review and advice by the Council of Advice, the advisory role of the CCSU has officially come to an end. The CCSU’s role was essential in providing necessary expertise in guiding the development of the Function Book to the legislative phase; with the additional support of the Personnel and Finance departments.
Moving steadily forward, the subsequent step will be the review by the Council of Advice who will render their advice on all such legislation. “I am confident with the draft as it currently stands and trust that the next steps of the process shall be smooth, hopefully with minimal to no changes needed after the review [by the Council of Advice],” stated Minister Richardson.

Once a positive advice has been received from the Council, the Function Book will then be sent to His Excellency, Drs. Eugene Holiday, to be established by National decree containing general measures (LBham). When this step is finalized, the Function Book will then be recognized within the status of law of Sint Maarten.

The completion of the Function Book has been a priority of Minister Richardson upon entering office in March 2020. Minister Richardson has defined this achievement as a milestone for the Ministry of Justice, and reassures all employees that the completion of the Function Book will remain her top priority.

As a show of gratitude, Minister Richardson would like to once again extend a special thank you to the Work Group and Steering Committee for their continued efforts in achieving this positive progress, as well as to the CCSU and all stakeholders and partners that contributed to achieving the FB’s completion. “It’s been challenging months leading up to where we are today, but through the dedication and hard work by a great team effort we were able to achieve this milestone. I am pleased that the Function Book will soon be completed, this milestone is a positive step forward for the entire ministry”, stated Minister Richardson.

Latest St Maarten Government News and Updates:

Minister Knops And PM Jacobs talks ‘unfruitful’


KNOPS It’s His Way, Or The Highway concerning COHO

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Minister Knops And PM Jacobs talks ‘unfruitful’

Minister Knops And PM Jacobs talks ‘unfruitful’

Minister Knops And PM Jacobs talks 'unfruitful'

The meeting of the Parliament of Sint Maarten with the Dutch State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops “did not bear fruit”. Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs said this after the meeting last Wednesday.

The prime minister is concerned about the delays in the provision of the already pledged liquidity support. & Nbsp; Knops visited Sint Maarten this week after he informed us by letter stop financial aid due to maladministration at the airport.

,, In the planning for the meetings this week, there were originally only meetings with the Minister of Justice about the progress committee and their recommendations. In retrospect, and also when the Secretary of State said he would seek clarification on what the government is doing to address corporate governance issues at the airport, I committed to attend that meeting. Was it fertile? In my opinion not ”, says Jacobs about the meeting with Knops.

According to her, the meeting only served to further clarify what was contained in a letter from Knops and another letter from her.

She said that while some clarity may have been obtained in the discussions, it is clear that Knops was “very offended” because she had made public her writing to the Reich Council of Ministers.

Jacobs on May 6 asked Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to intervene and address “unnecessary delays” that are holding back the provision of the fifth tranche of liquidity support for St. Maarten. She wrote the letter given that there were no positive responses at the time, nor that the support loan agreement had been received (and still has not been received).

Knops accused Jacobs of ‘publishing’ her letter to him, but she said she hadn’t. “On the contrary, the Secretary of State’s letter was actually in the press before I could catch it in my email, so I think the allegation is for the Secretary of State himself,” Jacobs said.

She insisted that she does not agree that the fifth tranche of liquidity support that had already been approved should be put back on the RMR agenda for discussion.

,, I even said to the Secretary of State that now for the implementation agenda it is discussed that corporate governance at the airport must be at some stage by the next time we need liquidity support, I could understand that condition for future liquidity support, but for liquidity support that has already been approved, I cannot agree with the move that has been made, ”said Jacobs.

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NV GEBE announced in a press release on Thursday evening that regrettably there has been employees that were tested positive for COVID-19. 


“Employees were immediately isolated and contact tracing was done.  The employees are at home on quarantine and the Collective Prevention Service (CPS) is monitoring each employee.  NV GEBE stated that the employees who were tested positive does not work directly with the general public.   

“The company is providing full support to every employee during this time.  Employees that work in the Main Building will also be required to be tested by CPS.  The Main Building was immediately fumigated and employees were requested to stay home on Thursday and Friday.

“NV GEBE continues to adhere to all safety precautions in the interest of customers, employees and the public.  Since the onset of COVID19 and the threat to NV GEBE, the company has been proactive in its preparation by establishing numerous sanitizing stations in the building (back and front office).

“All employees are required to wear masks, maintain six feet or more of physical distance and to wash and sanitize hands regularly.  The focus continues to be on the preserving the health and safety of our customers, the public, employees and their families.  NV GEBE wants to reiterate that there is no need to panic as the situation is being closely monitored. 

“The company further announced that the Main Office and Simpson Bay Branch Office will remain open to the public with a scaled down staff.  We take this time to encourage the community of St Maarten to sign up for MyAccount where you will be able to view and pay your bills from the comfort of your home without the long lines as our community continues to fight this virus. Who’s Lying About Food Vouchers? The Minister Or The Red Cross?

“We will continue to look after the wellbeing of our employees and pray for a full and speedy recovery.  In the meantime, we are working closely with CPS to ensure testing for the remainder of the staff in the Main Building,” the NV GEBE press statement concludes.

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KNOPS It’s His Way, Or The Highway concerning COHO

KNOPS It’s His Way, Or The Highway concerning COHO

Knops after St. Maarten visit: ‘there is no other way than the one we advocate’

According to outgoing State Secretary Raymond Knops of Kingdom Relations, the Princess Juliana International Airport is the most important project of the reconstruction of St. Maarten after Hurricane Irma in 2017. The Hague has turned off the money tap because the money would not have been well spent.

The government did not intervene when there were problems with good governance of the airport. We have discussed this and the government has now said that they will now intervene. ” Knops said this after his visit to the island.

Text continues below the video:
Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs of Sint Maarten said in parliament on Thursday that her meeting with Knops has not paid off. Jacobs does not agree with the decision to end already promised liquidity support.

KNOPS It’s His Way, Or The Highway concerning COHO

Money tap closed again
Knops visited Sint-Maarten between 18 and 20 May, a week after he had announced in a letter that he would stop financial aid due to maladministration at the airport. That money concerns a fifth tranche of liquidity support to deal with the problems caused by the corona pandemic.

‘The Netherlands keeps stopping loans to push the Hague agenda’
For the second time in a short time, the Netherlands is turning off the money tap for ailing Sint Maarten. Prime Minister Jacobs believes that The Hague is constantly changing the rules of the game for aid and wanted a solution this week: “We must ensure that the livelihoods of people who depend on the Sint-Maarten government is not endangered by the persistent actions of The Hague. ” Read more here .

Good governance is an essential part of the airport’s relaunch, according to Knops. ” Everything is about good governance. The Netherlands sends tax money to help Sint Maarten, which must be well spent. ”

KNOPS It’s His Way, Or The Highway concerning COHO

Too late
Just before his departure from Sint Maarten, on May 20, Knops said he had a meeting with Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and the Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion. They have acknowledged that they intervened too late in the situation around the airport. But we want to see a plan first. Schiphol is also involved in this. They have the expertise, they will also assess it. On that basis, we will consider whether that liquidity support will still be provided. ”

Knops continues: “The core of the problem is that Sint Maarten is an autonomous country, also on the basis of the Statute. But in fact they are temporarily no longer autonomous, because they are dependent on the Netherlands. ”

And also: ‘I don’t expect a very quick breakthrough, because a number of things still really have to be arranged. We have a Council of Ministers of the Kingdom on May 28, the subject is on the agenda there anyway. Then we will also assess whether Sint-Maarten has complied with the implementation of that good governance by then. ”

Because, according to Knops, one thing is very clear: “There is no other way than the one we advocate. I also conveyed that very clearly to St. Maarten. The problems need to be addressed and resolved. ”

When asked whether Knops would return as Secretary of State for Kingdom Relations, he said ‘that is the Million Dollar Question’. According to him, this depends on many factors. ” I am very result-oriented. There is still a lot of work to be done. In any case, I’m not done yet, but we’ll see. ” is the latest site in the Network,

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Who’s Lying About Food Vouchers? The Minister Or The Red Cross?

Who’s Lying About Food Vouchers? The Minister Or The Red Cross? Two days ago, the Minister said the program would be extended. Today the recipients received this. So who’s lying. And why are these bloated pigs in government crying about a reduction in salary as they CUT FOOD TO THE POOREST?

Ottley: food voucher programme slated to continue until July

ISLANDS 18 MAY 2021  HITS: 1885

PHILIPSBURG–Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley says the food voucher programme is slated to continue until July, with a possibility of extension for another three months.

  This statement was made during the Committee of Public Health, Social Development and Labor of Parliament CVSA meeting on Friday, May 14.

  United Democrats party Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams requested for the minister to provide information regarding the continuation of the food voucher programme. The MP noted that there are many persons who continue to rely on the programme.

  United Peoples (UP) Party MP Rolando Brison also proposed that the minister provide a “general” update on the programme.

  In his address, Ottley assured that the food voucher programme is a priority of the ministry and that he knows not only the urgency, but also the importance of the programme for many persons.

  The minister said that the advice for the food voucher programme currently lies with the Ministry of Finance. He cited a budgetary issue, as the food programme was not included in the 2021 budget. “It is known that if something is not in the budget it will not be signed off,” he added.

  He said the budget has been received from the St. Maarten Council of Advice, the amendment to the budget was done, and the provisions for the food voucher programme are now included in the budget. “So, once we handle the 2021 budget then the programme can therefore continue, the advice is completed and ready for signing to be taken to the CoM [Council of Ministers – Ed.],” he continued.

  United St. Maarten Party (US Party) MP Claudius Buncamper on hearing this questioned when the 2021 budget will come to Parliament. The MP said he did not wish to “knock down” the minister as he knows it was not his fault, “but the advice you were given to say that was wrong,” he told the minister.

  The MP used the 2020 budget as an example, where he said the budget included payments of eight months for the St. Maarten Stimulus and Relief Plan (SSRP), while originally it only had four months in the original plan. “So, if that was possible there why is it not possible today?” he questioned.

  The MP cautioned that it is not the right thing to do, telling persons to wait until the budget is approved to get help with food vouchers. “People are hungry, the last thing we need is social unrest, because people do not know where their next meal is coming from…an answer like that creates this problem,” he continued.

  In his response to the MP, Ottley said that his provided update on the food programme was based on his limitations to speak on matters not officially decided upon as of yet.

  MP Brison applauded the minister in his handling of the questions regarding the food voucher programme. He said the minister did so in a “very careful manner”.

  “We are talking about the national budget of the country, which is a national ordinance, which has some serious legislative consequences if a minister comes to the floor of Parliament and makes commitments that are actually not budgeted for, or a line item within the current or past budget,” stated Brison.

  The MP further quoted Article nine of the National Accountability Ordinance (NAO), “A minister shall not disclose to the council of ministers, to Parliament or in public any intention relating to a budget still to be drawn up and shall not make proposals, pledges or other statements in that regard or which such consequences before the minister has delivered the opinion on this regarding the national budget.”

  Brison said he understands the importance and urgency of the food voucher programme, but stated seeing that the programme is in place until July, that would allow sufficient time to “deal with it properly”.

  The MP reiterated that he commends the minister’s approach of responsibly ensuring that there are budgetary items in place.

  In response to MP Brison’s statement that the programme is slated to continue until July, Ottley disclosed that State Secretary Knops agreed to extend subsidy for the food voucher programme for a period of two months, hence the July dated mentioned.

  He said being that it is a subsidy, the programme needs to be reflected in the 2021 budget. “After the two months, we have [the] possibility of an extension for three months,” he added. “Plans [are] to have this advice in CoM by next week. Once the bilateral agreement is approved, the ministry can carry out the food voucher programme. It needed to be reflected in the budget,” said Ottley.

Latest New Covid SXM Wednesday Numbers Are Rising

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Latest New Covid SXM Wednesday Numbers Are Rising

Latest New Covid Dutch SXM Numbers Are Rising

** Free Bus Shuttle Service to Saturdays Pop-up Vaccination at the Orange Grove Pharmacy in Cole Bay **

The next “Pop Up Vaccination” will be in Cole Bay on Saturday, May 22 at the Orange Grove Shopping Center, Orange Grove Pharmacy from 9:00AM to 2:00PM.

Free shuttle service will be provided. Persons who would like to get vaccinated should bring a photo ID. The start time for shuttle service is 8:30 AM and concluded approximately 2:30 PM.

Buses will run every hour. The Cay Bay Shuttle will pick-up persons at the following locations: Caribbean Concrete; Entrance of Aaron Jacob Drive; Red Fox Grocery; Leonard Connor School; Leopold Bell School; with the final stop at the Orange Grove Pharmacy/Orange Grove Shopping Center.

The Simpson Bay Shuttle will pick-up persons at the following points: Police Station (Airport Blvd); Windward Islands Bank (Airport Blvd); Simpson Bay Community Center; Route via Causeway bridge); and the final stop at the Orange Grove Pharmacy.

The Cole Bay Shuttle pick-up points are: Little Well Oasis (Well Road); Tropicana Casino; Peking Supermarket; Narrow Drive; with the final stop at the Orange Grove Pharmacy.

** CPS POP-UP Vaccination Center Opens on Wednesday at AUC in Cupecoy. Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine **

On Wednesday, May 19th, the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA) Collective Prevention Service (CPS) sets up a POP-UP Vaccination Center at the American University of the Caribbean (AUC) in Cupecoy from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Everyone above 18 is encouraged to stop by at #1 University Drive, Jordan Drive in Cupecoy, to receive their first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

This new POP-UP vaccination is a part of the Outreach program of CPS to boost the country’s vaccination numbers and protect the population against a possible new outbreak of the COVID-19 virus or either of the different COVID-19 virus variants.

All over the world, 1.3 billion persons have already taken the Pfizer vaccine. It is scientifically proven to be the most effective and safe vaccine available.

Even though it’s very scarce around the world, the vaccine is available for free, but this can’t be guaranteed in the future. It protects you and your loved ones against the COVID-19 virus and is also effective against the UK variant, which is now the dominant variant on Sint Maarten.

Only if enough persons get vaccinated can we create herd immunity, end the pandemic, and go back to normalcy!

Protect yourself, your loved ones, and Sint Maarten: Get vaccinated today!

Knops St Maarten Report PDF LatestSint Maarten Protected Together.

Posted in Covid 19 St Maarten Sint Maarten Saint Martin Latest News Update | Tagged | 1 Comment

Knops St Maarten Report PDF Latest

Date May 19, 2021
Concerns Annual Report Operational Management Central Government 2020
Ministry of
The Interior and Kingdom Relations

In the Annual Report Operational Management Central Government 2020 (JBR), the appendix major ICT projects and the public-friendly version JBR, which I hereby offer to your House, your House is informed about the way in which the State has worked on the realization of its ambitions within the government-wide business operations.

As with other employers, the corona crisis has a major impact on the government. Last year, the vast majority of government employees worked from home. Some of the employees continued to work at the work location to keep the vital processes running.

In this pandemic, the government has also shown that it is flexible and agile in its operational management. We handled unexpected crisis activities effectively. Employees had to adapt flexibly to a situation of mainly working from home. For this, the digital infrastructure has been greatly expanded in a few weeks. In addition, all civil servants can use a secure video conferencing application. During these special circumstances, absenteeism fell slightly and productivity was maintained.

The civil service has the ambition to work differently based on the experience gained and on the basis of research. To this end, the government-wide ‘Hybrid Works’ program has started. Working from home is more possible than before, which contributes to a better work-life balance of employees and which increases the attractiveness of the government as an employer. A decrease in commuter traffic has the additional advantage of a reduction in CO2 emissions. In order to be able to continue to guarantee good service provision, investments must also be made in improvements in business operations.

The effects of the crisis can be seen in the JBR:
There has been a decrease in CO2 emissions due to fewer travel movements.
The number of government vacancies rose less rapidly than expected. The number of vacancies decreased, especially in the second quarter. Due to policy intensifications, the number of employees increased in 2020.

Page 1 of 2
Ministry of
The Interior and Kingdom Relations
The number of internships decreased. Guiding interns from a home work situation turned out to be difficult. In 2020, the House insisted on tackling the internship problem. The government is committed to more internships with the government. Various measures have therefore been taken to increase the number of internships.
The influx of people with an occupational disability was delayed, partly as a result of the corona crisis. The government has continued as many activities as possible for this group online. May 19, 2021

The government’s response to the report of the parliamentary interrogation committee on childcare allowances (POK) means that we are implementing improvements in the organization and working method of the civil service in many areas. This concerns, among other things, the information management within central government, the information provision to parliament and the strengthening of official skills. We will work out the announced measures in the coming period.

Over the past year, central government has shown that it can respond flexibly and flexibly to changing circumstances. A professional management organization is essential for stable and good service provision within the departments.

The government is working on a sustainable recovery from the corona crisis. The catch-up effort to make central government operations more sustainable is therefore being strengthened with a new government-wide program. There are many opportunities, for example in the field of housing in combination with reducing commuter traffic. I see opportunities for the government-wide purchasing strategy “Purchasing with Impact”. A further interweaving of purchasing, sustainability objectives, diversity and inclusion strengthens the social exemplary function of government-wide business operations and leads to added social value.

The State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations,

drs. R.W. Knops

Offer letter-Annual Report-Operational Management-Central Government-2020

State Secretary Knops sends the House of Representatives the Annual Report for Operational Management for the National Government 2020 (JBR), the annex on major ICT projects and the public-friendly version of the JBR.

Latest No New Projects Until Old Ones Completed

Latest No New Dutch Funding To Finish St Maarten School Repairs

In the Annual Report Operational Management Central Government 2020 (JBR), the appendix major ICT projects and the public-friendly version JBR, which I hereby offer to your House, your House is informed about the way in which the State has worked on the realization of its ambitions within the government-wide business operations.

As with other employers, the corona crisis has a major impact on the government. Last year, the vast majority of government employees worked from home. Some of the employees continued to work at the work location to keep the vital processes running.

In this pandemic, the government has also shown that it is flexible and agile in its operational management. We handled unexpected crisis activities effectively. Employees had to adapt flexibly to a situation of mainly working from home. For this, the digital infrastructure has been greatly expanded in a few weeks. In addition, all civil servants can use a secure video conferencing application. During these special circumstances, absenteeism fell slightly and productivity was maintained.

The civil service has the ambition to work differently based on the experience gained and on the basis of research. To this end, the government-wide ‘Hybrid Works’ program has started. Working from home is more possible than before, which contributes to a better work-life balance of employees and which increases the attractiveness of the government as an employer. A decrease in commuter traffic has the additional advantage of a reduction in CO2 emissions. In order to be able to continue to guarantee good service provision, investments must also be made in improvements in business operations.

The effects of the crisis can be seen in the JBR:
There has been a decrease in CO2 emissions due to fewer travel movements.
The number of government vacancies rose less rapidly than expected. The number of vacancies decreased, especially in the second quarter. Due to policy intensifications, the number of employees increased in 2020.

Page 1 of 2
Ministry of
The Interior and Kingdom Relations
The number of internships decreased. Guiding interns from a home work situation turned out to be difficult. In 2020, the House insisted on tackling the internship problem. The government is committed to more internships with the government. Various measures have therefore been taken to increase the number of internships.
The influx of people with an occupational disability was delayed, partly as a result of the corona crisis. The government has continued as many activities as possible for this group online. May 19, 2021

The government’s response to the report of the parliamentary interrogation committee on childcare allowances (POK) means that we are implementing improvements in the organization and working method of the civil service in many areas. This concerns, among other things, the information management within central government, the information provision to parliament and the strengthening of official skills. We will work out the announced measures in the coming period.

Over the past year, central government has shown that it can respond flexibly and flexibly to changing circumstances. A professional management organization is essential for stable and good service provision within the departments.

The government is working on a sustainable recovery from the corona crisis. The catch-up effort to make central government operations more sustainable is therefore being strengthened with a new government-wide program. There are many opportunities, for example in the field of housing in combination with reducing commuter traffic. I see opportunities for the government-wide purchasing strategy “Purchasing with Impact”. A further interweaving of purchasing, sustainability objectives, diversity and inclusion strengthens the social exemplary function of government-wide business operations and leads to added social value.

The State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations,

drs. R.W. Knops

Defense deployment 2020 in the Caribbean Netherlands

Defense deployment in the fight against COVID-19 in the period March 2020 to March 2021.

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