Jewel F Daal Employee of NV GEBE from 2000 to present. This warms our heart.
Happy Reading!!
This morning as I walked toward our office, I could not help but stand still for a moment to observe the demolishing of our historic Main Office Building, GEBE.
As I stood still watching the take down of the building, tears just rolled down my eyes while reminiscing of the memories I experienced during my time in that building.
I experienced good times, not so good times, and much laughter socially amongst my colleagues.
With the tears rolling down my cheeks, I smiled and walked away toward my office.
Looking down from my office, out the window at the building; what I saw were just memories that I will always cherish.
I am thankful of having been part of those memories I will always hold in my heart.
I know many other colleagues can contest the same as well.
“The only constant in life is change”-Heraclitus. We all face changes every day – whether it is a simple change in the weather, our schedule or expected change of seasons. Change affects us all and we each deal with change differently. This only constant in life, the only thing we can be sure will happen.
Blessed day further,
Jewel F. Daal