€21 MILLION+ Invested In An Investigation, NO working contact number

Explain to Holland taxpayers how you Invested €21 MILLION in 2016 for an investigation into the government, but NO working phone?

I have to waste 30 minutes of my day, but it is not my job. Nobody in St Maarten trust the police, the prosecutors etc. So they bring the info to me. The only thing I can do is what the law stipulates…hand everything over to the relevant authorities. They received OVER €20 MILLION euros in 2016 from Italy/America/Holland, YET THEY HAVE NO WORKING PHONE.
CHUPZ. This is how I make enemies, being forced to call people out. But I believe because the information is about Theo and Grisha KPSM is afraid. NOT MY PROBLEM. Dear Russell Voges, Holland, RST, TBO, Lands Recherche, KPSM, Prosecutors Office. Somebody is NOT Doing Their Job.
Posted by Sint Maarten News
The police have a job, they investigate. I blog. Because people tend to trust me more that the police or Prosecutors, I am usually receiving info that should be handed over to the proper authorities like CFT, O.M., TBO, RST etc. No, I am not coming to Philipsburg to meet with anyone. YOU ARE BLOWING OVER 20 MILLION tax payer Euros, on an investigation. YOU DO NOT even have a working phone. So I have to take 20 minutes out of my life to address this??? This is NOT my job. No good feed goes unpunished in St Maarten, bit if I do not contact them. That is a crime. Now NOBODY can pretend like they don’t know.

1) I really resent doing this, and everytime I open my mouth I make enemies, but law enforcement in St Maarten is NOT doing their job.

2) I understand that it could be miscommunication, but how does Holland, The United States and Italy invest over €20 MILLION into a grand scale investigation with NO CONTACT NUMBER

3) I will not get into details, unless I have to.

4) I tried calling the Prosecutor’s Office yesterday and today … NO answer.

5) So I called KPSM yesterday. The strangest thing is KPSM calima that they don’t have TBO or RST contact info.

6) I called KPSM non emergencia LINE this morning, NO answer.

7) I called the 911 for help, she said not to call her because I REFUSED to give her any melee because she is not a supervisor.

8) I called TBO / RST hotline that they just Published, the number is dead.

9) I do not get paid for this… YOU DO. If people forward me relevant info to send to the proper aurhorities it is impossible. By law, we have to report this to the proper authorities

10) I called the Lands Recherche yesterday today. No answer

Now I am trying to reach Russell Voges of the CFT. Tell Russell, TBO, RST seriously to post the CORRECT contact information. I want no part of this Bobol. The ONLY reason I am trying to contact you people is to put you in contact with the source.

I am non profit, uninsured, no benefits or pension. By law, I have to at least try to contact you. I did. You can reach me at 721 527 6730 or 721 580 0514. Thank you

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