henry lynch maurice lake marcel gumbs william marlin frans richardson theo heyliger smhdf blog judith roumou

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Maurice Lake.

Maurice Lake was a complete brown-nosing, ass kisser.

Because of his ass kissing skills, and because he was an expert ‘yes man’,

Theo Heyliger hired him to become his assisant.

Theo Heyliger already had established himself as a popular politician.

Theo realized because Maurice Lake was a Beta ( a follower, not a leader)

he had neither a mind nor spine of his own,

and that he would throw his own mama under the bus, to defend any of Theo Heyliger’s action…

Theo Heyliger loved these qualities in a man,

and thus decided to appoint Maurice Lake as the Minister of Vromi and Spatial Planning.

It is a very lucrative and sought after position, considering the many ways

one can skim and scam millions out of VROMI through bogus contracts, projects etc………….

Once becoming Minister of VROMI, Maurice Lake, as they would say in St Maarten “began to smell his own piss”.

Maurice contracted his own P.R. guy to speak for him, since he knew  that if he opened his mouth, the stupidity would jump out.

He hired Roddy Heyliger the Daily Herald writer, to become his main press agent,

to write and release intelligent sounding statements and sound bites, to be his ‘mouth piece’.

He started awarding thousand and million dollar projects to the LEAST qualified people.

They were given projects, which they turned into disasters, because they had no skills at the projects that they were assigned,

they were however proficient at kissing Maurice Lake’s ass, and telling him that he was the best.

As Minister of Vromi and Spatial Planning, Maurice did a LOT of wrong,

but he thought that he was getting away with it. Veterans in the UPP started getting the heads up

that Maurice Lake was doing a lot behind the scenes with his million dollar projects.

He had forgotten that he was simply Theo’s puppet, in his delusions of grandeur.

He actually started to believe the hype that he had paid others to write about him.

Maurice did develop a pretty good constituency of followers as Minister of VROMI,

by given contracts to those who could help him in the upcoming elections of 2014.

UPP veterans warned Maurice Lake repeatedly to rein it in, he ignored them all.

UPP veterans saw that Maurice Lake in trying to be slick, was setting himself up to go to prison,

but Maurice ignored all warnings. He teamed up with the GAIA brothers, and went about his illicit business.

Theo started to take note that Maurice was going rogue, but it was too late. And they were supposed to be best buddies.

Maurice PRETENDED to fall into line, and obey orders, but behind the scenes he continued with his ‘projects’.

Theo and the UPP started to distance themselves from him. Maurice Lake knew that he was in a precarious situation,

so he made sure that he invested that VROMI projet money heavily into his campaign. He gave out this and that project and

VROMI funding money to anyone who said that they would vote for him. Behind the scenes, the Cayhill disaster projects,

and the Simpson Bay “steal peoples land for a mega yacht harbor” project and many other disastrous projects were already in the


Against UPP advice, he did some dirt work to the Halley’s in Simpson Bay for the Gaia brothers

(something that will come back to bite both Maurice and Theo in the ass)

He made various big promises to the Sucker garden boys, St Peters block,

Middle Region,…. you name the district,

and Maurice Lake has to avoid it because guys he made promises to are looking for him.

So many people in so many districts, that it’s no wonder he has to go to Miami to relax,

it might be the only place on earth he hasn’t lied to people about helping them.

When the Dutch decided to scuff up their roughest boots, and march up the SXM government’s ass..

Every dirty politician was caught unaware. As the pressure grew, the UPP and Theos frustrations with Maurice continued to grow.

Theo wasted a lot of valuable time trying to clean up Maurice messes, then the UPP said ‘eff it!’ he’s on his own.

When I would call the UPP to ask about another newly discovered Maurice Lake contract or project scheme, all the UPP would say


“We warned the boy!”

With the Dutch variable in place, Maurice could not regain his Ministerial position, he couldn’t pass the new screening,

and I doubt Theo would have given it to him anyway.

Now Maurice Lake’s latest…. ahem.. ‘conundrum’  ……….

Marcel Gumbs who is neither a UPP slate member nor a loyalist was appointed as Prime Minister.

He was also appointed as temporary VROMI minister, until a permanent one was found.

You can call Marcel a lot of things, but I don’t think you can call him stupid.

Marcel Gumbs has the reputation of being a vain, pretty boy, who is good at collecting various pension checks.

Marcel won’t sign off on any of Maurice Lake’s projects.

To be diplomatic, Marcel is saying that he is simply waiting for the ‘REAL’ permanent Minister of VROMI to take over,

and then THEY can sign off on Maurice projects, 🙂

but the truth is Marcel doesn’t want to go to jail for Maurice, and who can blame him?

Marcel is too pretty for prison. As soon as they saw him in prison, all they would do is slap a wig on his head and call him ‘Fish’.

Marcel has to preserve his pretty ass, and therefore he can’t sign off on anything Maurice has done.

This has placed Maurice in a dire predicament, because…

People are LOOKING for Maurice Lake right now.. some with weapons…..!!!

Theo is supposed to have some influence over Marcel.

Now that he’s in deep shit, Maurice wants Theo to convince Marcel I was told, to bail him out of this new mess.

Theo might have washed his hands of Maurice, or maybe Theo simply can’t convince Marcel to risk a prison sentence and his

reputation for someone who was too stupid to heed good advice in the first place.

Then Maurice Lake REALLY botched that SMHDF bobol.

Elston Fos was supposed to receive three bullets that night, in order to preserve the SMHDF secrets,

but the gun jammed three times.

And the first thing Elston Fos did was contact me on one of my profiles on Facebook,

to let me know that he didn’t blame the hitman, nor the contractor… he blamed MAURICE LAKE!

So to the LOYALISTS defending Maurice Lake…. please speak to an EXPERT, before arguing with me.

I and have some very deep UPP sources who told me this week…


They didn’t even bother arguing about Silvio Matser .

It’s obvious Silvio doesn’t give a shit what the UPP thinks about him anymore. Silvio has always worn a white undershirt under his

green suits and ties 🙂

I know Silvio couldn’t care less, because Silvio has a smartphone, which I observed in Parliament, that is

directly attached to his Facebook, etc..

Everytime I tag Silvio Matser in my comments, he gets an ALERT!

So Silvio cannot pretend that he’s not getting my facebook updates, he is.. he’s just letting his silence do the talking for him.

Maurice Lake according to Hilbert Haar at The Toilet Paper, had his phone turned off so they couldn’t reach him.


Maurice’s phone was VERY active that day, he was doing a lot of talking, he just didn’t want to talk to anybody  who would ask him any real questions about the current state of the St Maarten government…

Leona then denied that there was any conflict, but as many have pointed out….

Leona denies everything

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