Minister Plasterk is not having a good week.
Minister Ronald Plasterk of the Interior should be heard as a witness in the case of Jos Van Rey.
He is a Dutch politician on trial for various ‘misdeeds’
The criminal trial started in the court of Rotterdam on April 4th 2016.
Evidently Ronald Plasterk got on Twitter on April 5th, and tweeted his foot straight into his own mouth.
The judges think that there is a violation of the Trias Politica.
Politician Rey is supposed to be in trouble because he allegedly controls certain politicians in Limburg. Giving them advantages etc.
Van Rey said in court that appointing Burgemeesters en Commisaris van de Koningin is a matter of ” who you know”. Thus putting friends in certain position.
This is what Plasterk denies. Plasterk says that everything is going according to the rules…. But with his tweet he alerted some judges… What are you hiding Mr Plasterk?…
And that’s why they want him in court…
The court rejected that request by lawyer Gitte Monday to Stevens’ ‘sound board’.
Moreover, by its function, the Minister is an expert in the field of mayor appointments.
Minister Plasterk “would be pleased to explain why he made his statements, his spokesman said on Monday.
Under certain conditions.
Requirement specified by the court was that the case is not referred to the Supreme Court. Jos van Rey was a member of the Senate at the time that he was possibly guilty of misconduct.
Minister Ronald Plasterk has also angered certain invididuals about privacy policies, and there were threats to ‘expose his behind’ on the world’s number 1 free porn site, Pornhub,com :
De sexy bakkes van uwer minister Ronald Plasterk is vandaag te bewonderen op volksvermaaksite Pornhub. Dat is te danken aan de GroenLinks-jugend.
De groene kinders van DWARS komen daarmee in protest tegen het wetsvoorstel dat geheime diensten toestaat om internetkabels af te tappen, weet RTLZ. De GroenLinksers vinden dat een grove schending van de privacy.
Ook al zeggen veel mensen dat ze helemaal niets te verbergen hebben ligt dat toch anders met pornosites, zegt DWARS-voorzitter Lyle Muns. “Je wilt niet dat de overheid ziet welke pornosites je bekijkt of dat je naar informatie over drugs zoekt.”
Ome Roon spat de rest van de dag nog van het pikante beeldscherm af. DWARS heeft driehonderd euro neergelegd voor de advertentie, waarin vermeld wordt dat Plasterk meekijkt. “Dat viel mij ook enorm mee”, aldus een blije Muns over de kosten.
Minister Plasterk have now so often proven to be a minister with in the worst case poor judgement and too narcistic. He’s a political risk for everyone. It’s time he returned to the academical world in which he really excels. Good bye minister Plasterk, welcome Professor Dr. Plasterk.