Ronald Van Raak
Ronald van Raak
Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands
Assumed office
November 30, 2006
Member of the Senate
In office
June 10, 2003 – November 28, 2006
Personal details
Born Antonius Adrianus Gerardus Maria van Raak
October 30, 1969 (age 46)
Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands
Nationality Dutch
Political party Socialist Party (Socialistische Partij – SP)
Relations Married
Residence Amsterdam, Netherlands
Alma mater Erasmus University Rotterdam (MA – Social history, MA – Philosophy)
University of Amsterdam (PhD – Humanities)
Occupation Politician, non-fiction writer, academic
Religion Roman Catholic [1]
Website (Dutch) Socialist Party website
Antonius Adrianus Gerardus Maria (Ronald) van Raak (born October 30, 1969 in Hilvarenbeek) is a Dutch politician, non-fiction writer and former academic. As a member of the Socialist Party (Socialistische Partij) he has been an MP since November 30, 2006. He focuses on matters of home affairs, Kingdom relations, the Dutch Royal House and general affairs. From 2003 to 2006 he was a Senator.
Van Raak is of a working-class background; his father was a truck driver. He grew up in his native village and attended secondary education in Tilburg. Afterwards he studied both social history and philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam and got promoted in humanities at the University of Amsterdam.
On April 1, 2000 he joined the Socialist Party and started to work at SP’s think tank. Three years later he became director.
In 2003 he was elected into the Dutch Senate and was a member from June 10 that year till November 28, 2006. In November 2006 he was elected into the Dutch House of Representatives. The same month he changed positions, instead of being director he became SP’s think tank chairman.
From 2001 to 2005 he also taught history at the University of Amsterdam.
Ronald van Raak werd op 30 oktober 1969 geboren in Hilvarenbeek (Noord-Brabant). Na de havo en vwo op het Tilburgse St. Odulphuslyceum studeerde hij vanaf 1989 geschiedenis en filosofie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Tijdens zijn studie was hij beheerder van het Nivon-jongerencentrum in Lage Vuursche. In 2000 promoveerde hij bij de afdeling geschiedenis van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, op ‘In naam van het volmaakte. Conservatisme in Nederland’ (2001). Ronald van Raak werd in 2001 docent aan de afdeling geschiedenis van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Gaan we nog meer marktvrijheid introduceren, waardoor steeds meer mensen buiten de boot vallen? Of gaan we maatschappelijke solidariteit organiseren, om iedereen te laten deelnemen aan de samenleving? Dit is een ideologische keuze: is vrijheid de basis voor rijkdom, of is rijkdom een voorwaarde voor vrijheid? Ik weet in ieder geval dat vrijheid en armoede niet samengaan. (uit: ‘Op zoek naar vrijheid. Een filosoof in de politiek’ (2012)
In 2000 werd Ronald van Raak actief binnen de SP en ging hij werken voor het Wetenschappelijk Bureau, waar hij later directeur van zou worden. Hij schreef essays over filosofen in Nederland, onder meer in ‘Oud licht op nieuwe zaken’ (2003). Ook schreef hij boeken over het socialisme in Nederland: ‘Socialisme. What’s left'(2004), ‘Het rijke rooie leven'(2006) en ‘Socialisme. Mensen achter de idealen'(met Sjaak van der Velden, 2008). Met Jan Marijnissen scheef hij het boekje ‘Modern Socialisme’ (2008). In 2001 werd Van Raak lid van het Partijbestuur van de SP.
Je zegt dat je kosmopolitisch bent, maar ondertussen ben je bang voor mensen uit Diemen-Zuid. Zij die zo opgeven van hun eigen kosmopolitisme, koesteren vaak een abstracte solidariteit met mensen in Afrika of Afghanistan, maar hebben een angst voor mensen en hun opvattingen uit de achterstandswijk. (uit: ‘Op zoek naar vrijheid. Een filosoof in de politiek’ (2012)
In mei 2003 werd Ronald van Raak gekozen in de Eerste Kamerfractie van de SP. In november 2006 maakte Van Raak de overstap naar de Tweede Kamer, waar hij zich bezighoudt met Binnenlandse zaken, Antilliaanse zaken, Koningshuis en Algemene Zaken. Van Raak is getrouwd, en woont in Amsterdam.
A Remarkable Morning with Ronald Van Raak and Andre Bosman
Een opmerkelijke ochtend met Van Raak (SP)/Bosman (VVD) versus Curaçao
- A remarkable morning with Van Raak (SP) / Bosman (VVD) vs. Curacao
THE HAGUE – The National Conference will this week the Inter-Parliamentary Consultation Kingdom (IPKO) instead.MPs from other countries of the empire where the sun never sets – Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten – consult a few days with their colleagues from the First – and Second Chamber. One of the topics Wednesday on the agenda was’ administrative integrity.
Murder, corruption and the Mafia SP MP Ronald van Raak and his VVD colleague André Bosman have been for some time the pebble in the shoe include the (illegal) gambling industry in particular, Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Some of the politics in the West is much welcomes the two. The situation on Curaçao is therefore to say the least worrisome. Thus, since the death of Helmin Wiels, the sentencing of former Prime Minister Gerrit Schotte and influence of mafia boss Francesco Corallo.
Last week it was announced that more than 400 illegal gambling sites operate from Curacao. The Curaçao telecommunications company UTS facilitates this. And books are UTS in turn audited by KPMG. To make matters even more complicated: UTS is the government of the island but also has minority shareholders who blocked an earlier examination of Audit of Curacao (ARC). In a similar situation was a cabinet three times already fallen in the Netherlands, Curacao is different.
“I Curacao need the help of the States’
Socializing in the Hofstad so. Van Raak told his colleagues that integrity is inextricably linked to the following rules and the importance of parliamentary scrutiny. Touch of referring to the murder of Wiels, the former prime minister in prison and a seemingly free loot income gambling industry: “I need the assistance of the States (parliament BP) of Curaçao.”According to the Curaçao States President Marcolino ‘Mike’ Franco UTS is a NV from the government. ” Against Van Raak: “I would like to say that we can help you but I can not.”
VVD André Bosman said there were problems in the West with scrutiny by the press and parliament. Bosman: “We do not know exactly what is happening. Thus you become like government very vulnerable. Netherlands does have checks and balances. ”
“Mexico polder version ‘
That was against the sore spot of States member Glenn Sulvaran. In a muddled speech he stated that the Netherlands champion in international drug trafficking, “Mexico polder version ‘and he also recited some statements by former Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende on the’ VOC ‘mentality. To conclude with a hearty:“If it would change the behavior of the European snuff there was no crime in the islands.”
- “This classic Do-bin is significant”
Van Raak welcomed:”I’m happy for two reasons. When things are bad in the Kingdom, we need each other there is indeed speak on “but”. This classic you-bak is telling. The shirking of responsibility. “According to Van Raak closing some of the States the eyes to the abuses on the island and” they continue to prefer to sit in the dark. “”We have to interfere with it because some States members are not doing it and looking away.”come clean?
Delegation and Senator Ruard Ganzevoort (GL) then emphasized “together make clean ‘interest. Staten Elmer Wilsoe seemed finally the voice of reason:“We must extend the hand and solve this together. We at UTS and at KPMG in the Netherlands. ”
Well spoken. Until I went googling who Wilsoe is. Wilsoe wrote as justice minister under the now convicted so Schotte a personal letter to Hillary Clinton to pry Robbie dos Santos to frozen funds $ 27 million in the US. Lottery King Dos Santos was sentenced this year to two years probation and picked for 35 million euros
- DEN HAAG – In de Nationale Vergaderzaal vindt deze week het Interparlementair Koninkrijksoverleg (IPKO) plaats.