Comrades, a good friend of mine (a female) told me recently that she might have to report some of the bus drivers to the authorities for “ripping off” tourists.
I told her without hesitation to go right ahead. She told me that on two occasions she had seen a bus driver collect twice the amount of the regular bus fare(s) from a tourist. I got the same report from a student who takes the buses daily.
I mean, comrades, it is nice to know that we are having a five or six cruise ships in our harbour. And while reports like the aforementioned might seem like minor offences, a small leak can sink a big boat/ship.
Last year I made it my business to report this”rip off” situation in the public transportation industry in my letter to the editor.
Unfortunately, it was ignored by those in authority. I have an official document from the Executive Council of St. Maarten.(Courtesy of the St. Maarten Bus Drivers Association).
The document clearly states that every bus driver should have the official bus fare schedule on display for the commuters. Comrades, this is all that I can do; it is up to the government.
Julien F. Petty
I agree, I tell tourists regulary to take the bus and what a great deal it is. When we live on our boat it was my main means of transportaion and a great inexpensive way to get around. Why screw it up??
also taxi drivers acting like buses and picking up multiple people and charging $15 for everyone. The taxis will also try to get $20 out of you if they think you are tourist. Even the ones who are nice!!!