Tag Archives: rhoda arrindell

New Video: Rhoda Arrindell and Friends on the Bobol List. The Making of a Theo Heyliger Puppet

NEW VIDEO: Rhoda Arrindell’s trying to get on my bobol list, and she brought along a few friends. Too bad I don’t have the space to properly add her to the list. Elections and Christmas, always a busy time of the year.
1)I criticized Big Ray Raymond Helliger’s poem kissing Theo’s behind.
2) I criticized Rhoda Arrindell’s disastrous educational policies, and put together a short infographic video defending my argument.
3) Rhoda came into the Whatsapp group too debate me, but couldn’t.
4) Suddenly her so called informal advisor, Big Ray Helliger comes in to attack me with a poem, accusing me of going through government trash, because I expose government.
5) He questioned my talent, brains and creativity. I guess impotence causes early onset dementia because Big Ray Helliger forgot it was I who set up his MJP Movement page and group, from my hospital FOR FREE.
6) I was also the only person really posting Big Rays work, so the money must have been good. Just look at the man’s 8 month pregnant stomach. He has to eat.
7) So Rhoda’s plans backfired because right away they told me it was Rhoda behind it. Since then Rhoda has come at me with a very weak debate and gotten shut down. Now she has some more agents coming in to question what I do for St Maarten, when all Rhoda has done is enrich herself and continue to fool the people on behalf of Theo Heyliger. I promised no more than 10 minutes on Rhoda, but uploading and writing this was another 5 minutes. So she got her fifteen minutes of fame. WELCOME TO THE BOBOL LIST RHODA. Look around, enjoy yourself but I have to get back to post breaking news for my island St Maarten Continue reading

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