What can I say about priorities? I heard it through the grapevines, but the capture of these suspects are imminent. I will be posting my tourist and sun and fun blogs, but right now I will not focus on the New Government or the Police. Richard died yesterday, and that made me sad in a way, but I also realized that he is no longer suffering. I used to see Richard walking the streets of Philipsburg alot, sometimes he would have seizures. Sometimes he would just stand there and cry out loud. Once the police had surrounded him to beat him at the Beach Islander alley on Frontstreet, and I came up with cameras ready, so they left him alone. Richard no longer suffers, but because of his illness, and whatever else was wrong with him, he was treated like an animal by both the authorities and many citizens alike. Richard no longer suffers, and that’s the way I believe we should look at it. To the people, including the authorities who abused and mistreated him, maybe now they can view all humans as humans, especially one who wasn’t out hurting other people. Richard did a lot of damage to himself, but like I said it’s over