Testing St Maarten News Media

Testing St Maarten News Media

Testing St Maarten News Media

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Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs St Maarten

Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs St Maarten


The experience was one filled with light and inspiration.



Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs St Maarten

Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs St Maarten
Many thanks again to the Sadhu Vaswani Center Sint Maarten for inviting Prime Minister Jacobs to speak during a night with Didi Krishna Kumari.

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Sarah: “Single-use plastic bags ban hits another hurdle?

Sarah: “Single-use plastic bags ban hits another hurdle?


Sarah: “Single-use plastic bags ban hits another hurdle?

Sarah: “Single-use plastic bags ban hits another hurdle? https://www.sxmgovernment.com

The latest statement from the Minister of TEATT regarding the law banning the use of single use plastic bags, plastic straws and styrofoam containers raises more questions than it provides answers. This is the opinion of the initiator of the law, MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

I have over and over been asking about the enforcement of this law. Since then we’ve seen our neighboring islands making strides in the fight against plastic and finding practical ways to at least make a start!
Several members of the media locally have also been keeping the finger on the pulse and from time to time would question government regarding the ratification of the law banning the items mentioned. https://www.stmaartennews.org

The trajectory of this law is a peculiar one, with a unanimous passage by parliament with an effective date, and then the authorization to government to decide on the date of enforcement, after the date established by parliament was not met by government.

Many have been the discussions with the relevant ministers regarding the enforcement of this law, such as with the minister of Justice on the necessary manpower for control, with the prime minister regarding the awareness campaign, which is part of another project and so on. https://www.angeliqueromou.wordpress.com

Several weeks ago, according to the Prime Minister, she would’ve been updated by her colleague TEATT minister on the status of the ratification and enforcement of the law.

“Lo and behold, not long after that, the TEATT minister announced a ban of these bags at the points of import. Was this not discussed in the COM?
A ban of the items listed above at import is not covered in the present law and thus I ask how and when will the “ban at the borders” go into effect.” https://www.sxmpolice.wordpress.com

There is something to be said for such an approach eventually, but I hope this is not another stalling tactic, MP Wescot further stated.
“Ministers randomly throw things out and assume that they should be accepted and swallowed without any questions.”

  1. Will the ban on the import! of plastic bags delay the effective date of the ban as passed by Parliament, and finally please provide a timeline and the steps to be taken for “full implementation” by the date of August 1, 2023, as announced.
  2. How does the Ministry envisage the banning of single use plastic bags at Ports of entry (import) as announced? What legal mechanisms will be employed to achieve such?
  3. Has this date been decided upon? When will it be?

In particular this matter of a ban on plastic and other harmful materials, how long will it take us to get it right? https://www.sxmpolice2.wordpress.com

So again, I am questioning the relevant ministers and I have done so formally with the following questions to the Minister of TEATT:
1.Has the latest change to the Police Ordinance, giving Government the authority to establish the date of enforcement of the ban, been published? If so, when? If not, why not?

News Release


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Grisha calls out Presidium and Council of Ministers St Maarten

Grisha calls out Presidium and Council of Ministers St Maarten

Grisha calls out Presidium and Council of Ministers St Maarten

Grisha calls out Presidium and Council of Ministers

In a press statement released on Sunday afternoon, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten expressed concern for both the Presidium of Parliament and members of the Council of Ministers for not carrying out their respective duties adequately.

The first example cited by Heyliger-Marten is the urgent public meeting regarding TelEm, which started on November 7th, 2022. The topics were the SOAB report, the complaints of the union regarding the CEO, and the status of the Fiber-To-The-Home project.

“We are now in May, so seven months later, and this urgent meeting is far from being completed. In the meantime, the issues have not been resolved or addressed by the Prime Minister. She said that this behavior displays a lack of respect for Parliament and its responsibility to the people, and the lack of concern for the TELEM workers.

A second example mentioned by Heyliger-Marten is the Urgent Public meeting with the Minister of Justice for a discussion regarding the flow and managing of the inmates at the Point Blanche Prison which was requested on January 19th, 2023. This meeting was called on January 25th, 2023 and adjourned. Since then, an injunction was filed against the prison and the Minister has not been efficient enough to come back and give Parliament an update.

A letter was also sent to the Minister of Justice on November 7th, 2022, in which Heyliger-Marten asked for copies of the advice from the Department of Legal Affairs, the CCSU, and the Council of Advice regarding the legal positions of the justice workers. These documents have yet to be received by Parliament.

The continuation of Public Meeting number 10 which started on December 16th, 2022 is a forth example of the lack of performance of the Presidium and Council of Ministers”, Heyliger-Marten stated in her press release. A date for the continuation of this meeting is still pending, and only today, May 15th, 2023, were the remaining two thirds of the questions posed received by Parliament by e-mail.

“This dismal performance is unacceptable, and further proof that the Presidium and Council of Ministers are not able to deal with the business of the people in an adequate and transparent manner. With all the urgent and pending matters that the country is facing and needs to deal with, it is high time that this coalition Government gets its act together. They need to be more open and transparent, and communicate more with the people”, Heyliger-Marten concluded.

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Demolition work involves several of the hazards related to construction. It comprises additional unknown hazards, which makes demolition work particularly dangerous. Persons and companies seeking to demolish a building should stick to the following guidelines. https://www.sxmgovernment.com
A demolition plan must be submitted to the Labor
Inspectorate and the Inspectorate of VROMI for approval. The objective of this demolition plan is to outline safe work procedures for the protection and safety of the workers, the public and the environment.
A demolition plan is necessary when you want to demolish a two or multiple story building.
The demolition plan should consist of a description of the working method, the sequence of demolition and the provisions to be made. https://www.stmaartennews.org
• If the horizontal distance from the inside of the sidewalk to the building is 4.50 m or less, the pavement over the entire length of the building must be covered for pedestrians.
• If the horizontal distance from the inside of the sidewalk to the building is more than 4.50 m but less than 7.50 m, a fence and a safety net /screen will suffice https://www.sxmpolitico.wordpress.com
• Chutes must be used for the removal of stones and the like. Material that cannot pass through the chutes must be lowered.
• All openings in floors must be covered, unless in use for lowering material. If this is not possible, these openings must be provided with sideboards and handrails.
• Large pieces of wall may not be pulled over on floors. For the ground-floor walls, it’s only permitted if the necessary precautions have been taken in consultation with the Labor Inspector. https://www.angeliqueromou.wordpress.com


• If the walls are so thin or so weak that the workers cannot stand on them, double scaffolding or braces must be used.
• Floors must not be overloaded, material, debris and other loads must be removed as quickly as possible
• Water must be used to prevent dust formation when walls are demolished. If water is impractical, the workers must have respirators at their disposal. https://www.sxmpolice.wordpress.com
• The workers must also have proper personal protective equipment available for demolition
The Inspectorate strives to complete the approval within 6 weeks and will draft an approval letter, which will be provided to you. After approval, it may not be deviated from without permission. https://www.sxmpolice.wordpress.com

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The Inspectorate VSA, hereby announces that it will conduct inspections of beverage manufacturers, importers and distributors from May 29, 2023. The purpose of these inspections are to ensure compliance with all relevant health and safety regulations, HAACP, labor laws, and other regulations that govern the production, packaging, and labeling of beverages. https://www.sxmgovernment.com

During the inspection, our team of inspectors will assess the facilities and processes used by the manufacturers to ensure that they meet the required standards for hygiene, quality control, and food safety. We will also review the labeling and advertising of the beverages to ensure that they are accurate and do not mislead consumers. https://www.angeliqueromou.wordpress.com

In addition, the inspectors will assess compliance with labor laws, including but not limited to minimum wage requirements, working hours, employment permits, and working conditions. The law takes the welfare of employees seriously, and it is expected that employers adhere to all relevant labor laws and regulations. https://www.stmaartennews.org

We encourage all employers, managers to cooperate fully with the inspectors and provide them with access to all relevant areas and documents. Failure to comply with our inspection may result in legal action and penalties. https://www.sxmpolice.wordpress.com

In case of questions or concerns about these inspections, please do not hesitate to contact the Inspectorate VSA at inspectoratevsa.sxm@gmail.com. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. https://www.sxmpolice2.wordpress.com


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Caribbean countries will receive 200 million euros from an investment fund St Maarten News

Caribbean countries will receive 200 million euros from an investment fund St Maarten News

Caribbean countries will receive 200 million euros from an investment fund http://www.stmaarten.news

Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten will receive a maximum of 200 million euros from The Hague to invest in the economy. It is money from the National https://www.sxmgovernment.com
Growth Fund (NGF) to which the countries in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom can now also claim, two years after the money pot was opened. Minister write that
Micky Adriaansens (Economic
Affairs), Rob Jetten (Climate and
Energy) and Secretary of State
Alexandra van Huffelen
(Kingdom Relations) in a letter to the House of Representatives. https://www.stmaartennews.org

To begin with, 100 million euros will be made available for plans that the islands may submit. An additional EUR 100 million will be added if there are enough proposals that meet all the requirements. Projects will be approved if they “demonstrably have a high impact on sustainable earning capacity”, the ministers write. This may concern proposals in various fields such as education, food production and making tourism more sustainable. In the coming months, the cabinet will work with the countries work out the plans.
Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius have been able to pay for projects for some time with money from the investment fund. These islands are, as special municipalities, part of the
Dutch government. Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten are autonomous countries in the Kingdom for which a separate arrangement had to be made. The special municipalities also receive extra money from the NGF: an amount of https://www.angeliqueromou.wordpress.com
30 million euros.

Adriaansens, Jetten and Van Huffelen also announced a number of other financial arrangements for Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten in the letter to parliament. The islands may finance one or more projects from the SDE++ subsidy scheme, which is specifically intended for the energy transition. This could, for example, involve an investment in solar panels or wind turbines. It has not been disclosed how much money the islands may ask for this exactly. In addition, the government is working on a guarantee scheme for healthy companies that have difficulty obtaining financing.


Caribische landen krijgen 200 miljoen euro uit investeringsfonds

Curaçao, Aruba en Sint-Maarten krijgen maximaal 200 miljoen euro toegeschoven uit Den Haag om te investeren in de economie. Het gaat om geld uit het Nationaal
Groeifonds (NGF) waar de landen in het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk nu ook aanspraak op kunnen maken, twee jaar nadat de geldpot is geopend. Dat schrijven minister
Micky Adriaansens (Economische
Zaken), Rob Jetten (Klimaat en
Energie) en staatssecretaris
Alexandra van Huffelen
(Koninkrijksrelaties) in een brief aan de Tweede Kamer. https://www.sxmpolice2.wordpress.com

Om te beginnen komt 100 miljoen euro beschikbaar voor plannen die de eilanden mogen indienen. Daar komt nog eens 100 miljoen euro bij als er genoeg voorstellen zijn die aan alle eisen voldoen. Projecten zullen worden goedgekeurd als ze „aantoonbaar een hoge impact hebben op het duurzaam verdienvermogen”, schrijven de bewindslieden. Dat kan gaan om voorstellen op uiteenlopende terreinen zoals onderwijs, voedselproductie en verduurzaming van het toerisme. De komende maanden gaat het kabinet samen met de landen de plannen uitwerken. https://www.sxmpolitico.wordpress.com
Bonaire, Saba en Sint-Eustatius konden al langer projecten betalen met geld uit het investeringsfonds. Deze eilanden zijn namelijk als bijzondere gemeenten onderdeel van de
Nederlandse overheid. Curaçao, Aruba en SintMaarten zijn autonome landen in het Koninkrijk waar een aparte regeling voor moest komen. De bijzondere gemeenten krijgen eveneens extra geld uit het NGF toegeschoven: een bedrag van
30 miljoen euro.

Adriaansens, Jetten en Van Huffelen hebben in de Kamerbrief ook een aantal andere financiële regelingen voor Curaçao, Aruba en Sint-Maarten bekendgemaakt. De eilanden mogen één of enkele projecten financieren uit de subsidieregeling SDE++, die specifiek bedoeld is voor de energietransitie. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld gaan om een investering in zonnepanelen of windmolens. Het is niet bekendgemaakt hoeveel geld de eilanden hier precies voor mogen vragen. Daarnaast werkt het kabinet aan een garantieregeling voor gezonde bedrijven die moeilijk aan financiering kunnen komen.

Caribbean countries will receive 200 million euros from an investment fund St Maarten News
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Alleged Kim Sha Killer Turns Himself In St Maarten

Alleged Kim Sha Killer Turns Himself In St Maarten

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Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs Dutch St Maarten Ambulance

Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs Dutch St MaartenPrime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs Dutch St Maarten

Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs Dutch St Maarten

Sint Maarten’s Investment Policy Diversification Strategy approved

Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs Dutch St Maarten

“As Government, it is a proud moment to see the joy and appreciation on the faces of our ambulance workers, management and all those who made it possible. https://www.stmaarten.news

We remain committed and dedicated to the forward motion of these projects that focus on building resilience for Sint Maarten. While the ambulances may have taken quite some time to get here, it’s good to see them here lined up, sirens blaring, fully equipped with the updated equipment and expert training our frontliners have received. We are now better prepared to deal with disasters as well as our routine answers to calls within the community. https://www.stmaartennews.org

We have steadily progressed in ensuring that the entire sector is properly outfitted, frontliners trained and their facilities and equipment adequately maintained.

We must take pride in these new acquisitions and ensure proper care and maintenance to ensure we will have them when our community needs them.

Congratulations to all frontliners and especially our ambulance workers as you continue to move forward well outfitted in your service to St. Maarten. Thank you for your patience and dedication as you serve with honor!” said Prime Minister Jacobs

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