Latest New Video 3 The Ministry of Education Training, Summer School – St Maarten News
Latest New Video 2 Ministry of Finance Prins-Bernhard Mangroves – St Maarten News
Latest New Video 3 The Ministry of Education Training, Summer School – St Maarten News
Latest New Video 2 Ministry of Finance Prins-Bernhard Mangroves – St Maarten News
Latest New Video 2 Ministry of Finance Prins-Bernhard Mangroves – St Maarten News
St-Maarten 3 Tier Prostitution/Human Trafficking The Latest New Bombshell
Latest New Video 1 The Ministry of Justice Sint Maarten – St Maarten News
Photos Damaseau Congratulates 4 New Essence Contestants The Latest
St-Maarten 3 Tier Prostitution/Human Trafficking The Latest New Bombshell
Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the island St-Maarten
NEWS AMERICAS, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. July 19, 2022: Three Caribbean countries have been placed by the U.S. at Tier 3 on the latest Trafficking In Persons report, released today.
Cuba, Sint Maarten and Curacao are at the highest Tier, according to the U.S. State Department report, because either their governments do not fully meet the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, (TVPA)’s minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so and the country has severe forms of trafficking.
Both Sint Maarten and Curacao were downgraded due to inaction by their governments, the report said.
On Curacao, the US State Department says the Dutch Caribbean country’s government “does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so, even considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity.”
The report says that while the government took some steps to address trafficking, including providing pre-trial support to three victims participating in legal proceedings against traffickers, awarding restitution to two sex trafficking victims, and extending the use of the national action plan (NAP) that expired in December 2021, it did not convict any traffickers, did not identify any victims, and it continued to condition foreign victims’ assistance, including residency, on cooperation with law enforcement in cases against traffickers.
On Cuba, the report said the Cuban government “decreased efforts to identify or protect trafficking victims and continued to coerce individuals – using deceptive and exploitive tactics – to participate and remain in government-sponsored labor export programs.” And it posited that many medical professionals reported being sexually abused by their supervisors.
On Sint Maarten, the 2022 report said the local government “did not report prosecuting or convicting any traffickers or identifying any trafficking victims for the second consecutive year.”
1st Soualigan Giants Poetry and New Logo Competition the Latest
Photos Damaseau Congratulates 4 New Essence Contestants The Latest
Soualigan Giants Poetry and Logo Competition
St. Maarten – Earlier this month, lots of people gathered to enjoy the Mokofest event, hosted by the Funtopia Youth Initiative Foundation at Emilio Wilson Park. The Mokofest hosted a wide range of performances including singers, dancers, DJs and poets, but in the spotlight were the Soualigan Giant Moko Jumbies!
These are impressive dancers that balance on very tall stilts, and the tradition has deep-running roots to West African culture. Lots of kids took part, performing twice at the Park and also on the Boardwalk Boulevard – amazing the onlookers. Since it was not only about enjoyment, but also about promoting awareness about Moko Jumbie culture and the art of stilt walking, Funtopia decided to have a poetry and logo competition this year.
“Moko jumbies in west African culture are seen as seers and protectors of the village though our Soualigan Giants, moko jumbies, have been seen primarily during festivals and events for entertainment; many of our walkers express excitement in being able to master the skill of walking tall,” Funtopia President, Ms. Lucinda Audain, told The Kids Herald.
Taking part in the programme “has changed their level of confidence and they have newfound pride knowing there is a connection to what their forefathers used to do.
“We think it’s important for children to not only learn about Moko Jumbie culture, but also to learn about its African connection. It has been a journey of self-discovery for us, one which has unlocked many stories we can further develop about the afro Caribbean connection surrounding moko jumbies.
“We have heard stories of local salt pickers using stilts to cross the Great Salt Pond during salt picking season. We don’t know how accurate the story is, but its premise seems very logical. Salt pickers would use stilts to walk through parts of the pond that were not completely hardened, to not walk through the wet salt with their bare feet to get to the parts that were ready to be extracted.
The Poetry and Logo Competition
“Over the years, we have become aware of the misconceptions around this topic and our goal is to educate the community. Participants were presented with the topic and had to research the theme in order to create their submissions. You can see some young people really did research with their use of specific vocabulary in their poetry pieces.”
There were two winners each for the poetry and logo competitions. A total of 75 entries had been submitted in total. When it comes to the youngest winners, 12-year-old Nathannia Golden succeeded in the logo category, and 9-year-old Diya Asrani succeeded in the poetry category.
Competition judge Dion Gumbs said, “I was amazed and equally impressed by the design submitted by Nathannia; the logo has an international appeal and can be easily transmitted on a T-shirt or a cap. Congratulations to her.”
Poetry entries were graded on creativity, use of language, and relevance to the topic. Both winners scored 23 out of a maximum possible 25 points.
Here is Diya’s poem:
Soualigan giant moko jumbie
Soualigan giant moko jumbie, a beautiful warrior.
Watching over his village protecting from the evil.
A true giant moko jumbie, a seeker and a protector.
Standing tall, tall, tall
And their tallness is symbolic to the power of God.
People can’t keep away their smiles during celebrations, when they see men, women and children dressed up as moko jumbies in their colourful costumes and flamboyant behaviour.
Soualigan giants, athletic stilt walkers are important to our history and culture of Sint Maarten and it’s our hope that it will continue to live for hundred more years.
Latest Dutch St Maarten New Covid 19 Photo Stats 100 Latest Amazing New Photos St Maarten Justice Ball
Photos Damaseau Congratulates 4 New Essence Contestants The Latest 100 Latest Amazing New Photos St Maarten Justice Ball
Taking a few minutes to congratulate these two young professionals for showing that once you have a clear vision and determination, there is no limit to what you may accomplish .
With great fear of the unknown, they went our and made Saint Martin proud at the 1st ever Essence Eats edition at the Essence Festival in the US.
Kenila, Heritage Kitchen, your stuff dumplin with crab and Kareem, Chef B’s cooking Page, your stuff Journey cake with salt fish left them jumping to book their vacation in Saint Martin.
Proud of you both 👏
Using all our tools to better promote our island.
There is no tourism product without our culture, our gastronomy, our heritage and our people.
Great links where made at this festival.
➡️ Look out Saint Martin, great things are on its way.
Festival de la Gastronomie, 2nd édition NOVEMBER 11th to NOVEMBER 22nd. Stay tune.
50 Catholic children received First Holy-Communion with Father Adam and Father Yohanes. 1st Annual Justice Ball In Honor of The Department
After two years of listening, learning, and practicing, more than 50 Catholic children received their First Holy Communion with Father Adam and Father Yohanes.
The ceremonies took place in Sunday masses held over the span of five weeks at the Risen Christ Church in South Reward.
First Holy Communion is special, and is in fact one of the most important occasions in a Catholic’s journey because it commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples during Passover.
The first students celebrated it on May 15, and a total of 52 students received their First Holy Communion in ceremonies lasting until June 12. They also received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation (better known as Confession) the day before their communions.
Students that attend Catholic schools were prepared at school, while Catholic students attending public schools received their lessons from the Parish.
The KIDS Herald asked the Religious Coordinator, Mrs. Carmen Bowers-Lake, about the special meaning behind First Holy Communion. “We believe that during this final meal, Jesus blessed the bread and wine and said, ‘This is my body … This is my blood.’ The Roman Catholic Church’s teachings say that Jesus is present in the consecrated Communion wafer and wine – also known as the Eucharist – which means thanksgiving each time parishioners receive them. The bread and wine become the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus, according to Catholic doctrine,” she said.
We also asked Mrs. Bowers-Lake what her wish was for the students, going forward. “That the Holy Communion that they receive will strengthen them to ‘be Christ’ in the world. We want them to love the Lord God with all their heart, and with all their soul, and with all their mind and that they love their neighbor as themselves,” she said. “They cannot do it on their own, they need the Eucharist to help them!”
Photo cutline: The most recent set of first holy communion students, from St. Dominic Primary School.
100 Latest Amazing New Photos St Maarten Justice Ball
Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the island St-Maarten
Answers Parliamentary Questions Expiry of the Temporary Act on Digital Deliberation and Decision-making
Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the island St-Maarten
by member Dekker-Abdulaziz (D66) about the expiry of the Temporary Act on digital consultation and decision-making for provinces,
municipalities, water boards and public bodies Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba. These questions were submitted on July 11, 2022, with reference 2022Z14903.
The Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations,
Hanke Bruins Slot
In a letter dated May 31, I informed the standing committee for the Interior and the
I have been asked to provide a response to my considerations regarding the twelfth extension of the Temporary Act on Digital Deliberation and Decision-Making (hereinafter:
Temporary Act) after 1 July. This is in view of the fact that on the one hand it is undesirable to keep a temporary law in force for longer than necessary and on the other hand because of the wishes of the VNG, the IPO, the UvW and the King’s Commissioners’ Circle to retain digital deliberations and decisions. In a letter dated 10 June last, the standing committee
indicated that it saw no reason for a twelfth extension and therefore called on the government to refrain from doing so. I have complied with this call, which means that the Temporary Act has expired on 1 July.
Contacts with the Association of Clerks and the VNG have not revealed any major problems as a result of the expiry of the Temporary Act. In some cases, representatives of the people have not been able to participate in meetings due to home quarantine. In principle, no meetings are held during the summer recess. If that is the case, a physical meeting will have to take place.
Of the few cases that have been reported to me, the local authorities have sought solutions within the current legal framework. In addition to physically not participating in a meeting and decision-making by a sick representative, there are two options within the current legal framework to be able to take decisions without having to meet with too many people. These possibilities were communicated to the local government at the outbreak of the Covid pandemic, when the Temporary Act was being prepared, to provide continuity of deliberation and decision-making.
A first possibility is if it is determined in a first meeting that the quorum is not met, then there is no longer a quorum in a second meeting. This is only possible for the topics that were already on the agenda of the first meeting. A second possibility is if no vote is requested during or after a digital deliberation on a proposal. In that case, the proposal has been adopted on the basis of Article 32(3) of the Municipalities Act and Article 32(3) of the Provinces Act respectively. The foregoing is
Incidentally, this is not regulated in the Water Boards Act, which means that general boards of water boards do not have this option.
I do not know which options have been used in the few cases that have occurred. I do note, however, that the provisional options that could be used prior to the entry into force of the Temporary Act were mainly intended for the situation in which the inability to participate in meetings and decision-making concerned the entire parliament and not, as now, a few members.
The permanent ruleing (Digital Meetings of Decentralized Governments Act) creates a structural legal provision to keep digital meetings as a possibility outside the situation that physical meetings are discouraged due to COVID-19 or similar situations. The permanent scheme has an independent purpose, as a result of which it is not linked to the process of the first tranche of amendment to the Public Health Act.
The Act on Digital Meetings of Local Authorities is now available for consultation. After advice from the Council of State, the bill for the permanent settlement will be presented to parliament. I aim to present the bill to your House in the first quarter of 2023.
With the expiry of the Temporary Act, decentralized parliaments no longer have legal options for digitally deliberating and making decisions, with the exception of the two options mentioned in the answer to question 3. If the health situation so requires, a new Temporary Act will be initiated, so that decentralized parliaments can meet digitally in a safe manner.
In view of the current contamination developments, the professional and interest associations emphasize the importance of the availability of a facility for digital meeting if the contamination figures should increase again this autumn. I understand their concerns. In the event of a resurgence of the COVID-19 virus where the infections are so high that this entails restrictions that affect the holding of meetings, I think it is important to ensure the continuity of governance and the legality and democratic legitimacy of decision-making. guarantees. In that case, I will again bring an emergency law into procedure that temporarily provides for the
possibility to make digital decisions by decentralized people’s representative bodies.
Should the COVID-19 situation make it necessary to offer decentralized parliaments the opportunity to meet digitally in the autumn, the Temporary Act will be brought into procedure again.
Datum 19 juli 2022
Betreft Beantwoording Kamervragen Dekker-Abdulaziz over het vervallen van de Tijdelijke wet digitale beraadslaging en besluitvorming
Hierbij bied ik u de antwoorden aan op de schriftelijke vragen die zijn gesteld
Openbaar Bestuur en
Democratische Rechtsstaat
Directie Democratie en
Bestuur, Directie
Constitutionele Zaken en Wetgeving
Turfmarkt 147 Den Haag
Postbus 20011
2500 EA Den Haag
Uw kenmerk
door het lid Dekker-Abdulaziz (D66) over het vervallen van de Tijdelijke wet digitale beraadslaging en besluitvorming provincies, gemeenten, waterschappen en openbare lichamen Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba. Deze vragen werden ingezonden op 11 juli 2022, met kenmerk 2022Z14903.
De minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties,
Hanke Bruins Slot
Bij brief van 31 mei jl. heb ik de vaste commissie voor Binnenlandse Zaken en de
Hoge Colleges van Staat / Algemene Zaken en Huis der Koning van de Eerste Kamer gevraagd om een reactie te geven op mijn overwegingen met betrekking tot de twaalfde verlenging van de Tijdelijke wet digitale beraadslaging en besluitvorming (hierna: Tijdelijke wet) na 1 juli. Dit gezien het gegeven dat het enerzijds onwenselijk is een tijdelijke wet langer in werking te houden dan noodzakelijk en anderzijds vanwege de wensen van de VNG, het IPO, de UvW en de Kring van commissarissen van de Koning om het digitaal beraadslagen en besluiten te behouden. De vaste commissie heeft bij brief van 10 juni jl.
aangegeven geen aanleiding te zien voor een twaalfde verlenging en daarmee de regering opgeroepen hiervan af te zien. Aan deze oproep heb ik gevolg gegeven waarmee de Tijdelijke wet per 1 juli jl. is komen te vervallen.
Uit contacten met de Vereniging van Griffiers en de VNG zijn thans geen grote problemen als gevolg van het vervallen van de Tijdelijke wet gebleken. In enkele gevallen hebben volksvertegenwoordigers niet aan vergaderingen kunnen deelnemen als gevolg van thuisquarantaine. In het zomerreces wordt er in principe niet vergaderd. Wanneer dat wel het geval mocht zijn, dan zal een fysieke vergadering moeten plaatsvinden.
Van de enkele gevallen die mij gemeld zijn, hebben de lokale besturen oplossingen gezocht binnen het huidige wettelijke kader. Naast het fysiek niet deelnemen aan een vergadering en besluitvorming door een zieke volksvertegenwoordiger zijn er binnen het huidige wettelijke kader twee mogelijkheden om besluiten te kunnen nemen zonder met al te veel mensen bijeen te hoeven komen. Deze mogelijkheden zijn bij het uitbreken van de Covidpandemie, toen de Tijdelijke wet werd voorbereid, aan het decentraal bestuur gecommuniceerd om continuïteit van beraadslaging en besluitvorming te bieden.
Een eerste mogelijkheid is wanneer er in een eerste vergadering wordt vastgesteld dat het quorum niet gehaald wordt, er in een tweede vergadering geen quorum meer geldt. Dit kan alleen voor de onderwerpen die al op de agenda van de eerste vergadering stonden. Een tweede mogelijkheid is als tijdens of na een digitale beraadslaging over een voorstel geen stemming wordt gevraagd. In dat geval is het voorstel op grond van artikel 32, derde lid, Gemeentewet respectievelijk artikel 32, derde lid, Provinciewet aangenomen. Het voorgaande is
overigens niet geregeld in de Waterschapswet, waardoor algemene besturen van waterschappen deze mogelijkheid niet hebben.
Welke opties in de enkele gevallen die zich hebben voorgedaan zijn gebruikt, is mij niet bekend. Wel merk ik op dat de provisorische opties die voorafgaand aan de inwerkingtreding van de Tijdelijke wet konden worden gebruikt vooral bedoeld waren voor de situatie waarin het niet kunnen deelnemen aan vergaderingen en besluitvorming de gehele volksvertegenwoordiging betrof en niet, zoals nu, enkele leden.
De permanente regeling (Wet digitaal vergaderen decentrale overheden) creëert een structurele wettelijke voorziening om digitaal vergaderen als mogelijkheid te behouden buiten de situatie dat fysieke samenkomst wegens COVID-19 of soortgelijke situaties worden afgeraden. De permanente regeling kent een eigenstandig doel waardoor het niet verbonden is aan het traject van de eerste tranche van wijziging van de Wet publieke gezondheid.
De Wet digitaal vergaderen decentrale overheden ligt nu ter consultatie. Na advisering door de Raad van State, zal het wetsvoorstel voor de permanente regeling aan het parlement worden aangeboden. Ik streef er naar het wetsvoorstel in het eerste kwartaal van 2023 aan uw Kamer aan te bieden.
Met het vervallen van de Tijdelijke wet hebben decentrale volksvertegenwoordigingen geen juridische mogelijkheden meer om digitaal te beraadslagen en besluiten, met uitzondering van de twee in het antwoord op vraag 3 benoemde opties. Indien de gezondheidssituatie daarom vraagt, zal een nieuwe Tijdelijke wet in procedure worden gebracht, zodat decentrale volksvertegenwoordigingen op een veilige wijze digitaal kunnen vergaderen.
De beroeps- en belangenverenigingen benadrukken, met het oog op de huidige besmettingsontwikkelingen, het belang van beschikbaarheid van een voorziening voor digitaal vergaderen als dit najaar de besmettingscijfers weer zouden toenemen. Ik begrijp hun zorgen. Ingeval van opleving van het COVID-19-virus waarbij de besmettingen dusdanig hoog zijn dat dit beperkingen met zich meebrengt die invloed hebben op het houden van vergaderingen, vind ik het belangrijk om de continuïteit van het bestuur en de rechtmatigheid en democratische legitimiteit van besluitvorming te waarborgen. Ik zal in dat geval opnieuw een spoedwet in procedure brengen die tijdelijk voorziet in de
mogelijkheid om digitaal besluiten te nemen door decentrale volksvertegenwoordigende organen.
Mocht in het najaar de COVID-19-situatie nopen tot het bieden van de mogelijkheid aan decentrale volksvertegenwoordigingen om digitaal te vergaderen, dan zal de Tijdelijke wet opnieuw in procedure worden gebracht.