New Parking 2022 from the Old Post Office Latest

New Parking 2022 from the Old Post Office Latest

1st Annual Justice Ball In Honor of The Department

New Parking 2022 from the Old Post Office Latest

During last week’s Council of Ministers press briefing, the Minister of VROMI,Egbert J. Doran, announced that the area where the old post office once stood, will become a parking lot.

The post office building was severely damaged during the 2017 hurricanes and has since been demolished.

For many years, the Philipsburg area has been highly congested with little parking spaces. This makes it difficult for persons in the area who are working, shopping or conducting business, to park.

New Parking 2022 from the Old Post Office Latest

The Ministry of VROMI is constantly seeking ways to remedy this situation in order to lessen the burden of those concerned.

The plan is to nicely flatten out the space and arrange paid-parking. This is a temporary plan to give some short-term relief, however, the major plans include a multi-level parking garage.

More information about this plan will follow in a subsequent broadcast.

New Parking 2022 from the Old Post Office Latest

New Parking 2022 from the Old Post Office Latest

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Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the island St-Maarten

Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing

PHILIPSBURG “Let’s Take Care Of Our Sport Facilities 2022

Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing

RIVM update: Number of positive test results on the six islands is increasing


THE HAGUE – The number of positive test results on the six Dutch islands increased last month.

The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) published its reports.

A total of almost 5,000 positive test results were reported in May, 1,000 more than in April. Half of the cases in May were registered in Aruba, 2,610.

The COVID-19-related hospital occupation and mortality increased somewhat in Curaçao, Aruba and Saba.

The Omikron-L variant caused most of the infections on the islands in May.

Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing

Two other Omikron variants were also detected in the course of the month. The RIVM expects the share of these variants to rise in the course of this summer.


Curaçao reported 1,683 new positive test results in May. This is almost the same as the number of reports in April.

The high number of positive test results is probably due to the various festivities in the past period, such as King’s Day and Easter.

There were also a large -scale testing until 1 June.


In Aruba, the incidence and the 7-day average are increasing, partly related to an intensified local transmission due to festivities such as King’s Day and Easter,

as well as diagnostics among outgoing travelers to the US.

Hospital occupancy also increased in May.

There were 2,610 positive test results, 26 Covid-19-related hospitalizations and three new Covid-19-related deaths reported on the island in May.

Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing

In April, there were still 874 positive test results.

In the last week of May, 629 people per 100,000 inhabitants in Aruba received a positive test result.

This incidence counts both tourists and locals.

Among locals, the incidence in week 21 was 386 people per 100,000 inhabitants and the test positivity was 47 percent.

Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing

Sint Maarten

On Sint Maarten, the number of positive test results is stable.

The island reported 288 positive test results, no Covid-19-related hospitalizations and no new Covid-19-related deaths in May.

In the last week of May, 119 people per 100,000 inhabitants on Sint Maarten received a positive test result and the test positivity was four percent.

In a week 14 sample, a first case of another omikron has been detected on the island.

It concerned an unvaccinated traveler from South Africa who was later hospitalized. The subvariant has not been detected in samples sent from the island since week 14.


Bonaire continued the downward trend of new positive test results.

310 positive test results, no covid-19-related hospitalizations and one covid-19-related death were reported by the island in May.

In the last week of May, 168 people per 100,000 inhabitants on Bonaire received a positive test result and the test positivity was 44 percent.

Last month ten new positive test results were reported on St. Eustatius; all under 65 years of age and eight of them vaccinated with at least one shot.

The trend in the number of positive test results also remained stable in May. The incidence in the last week of May was 159 people per 100,000 inhabitants.

The island reported no new Covid-19-related admissions and deaths in May. Since May 11, the covid-19 related entry policy has been abolished.

Fifty new positive test results were reported on Saba last month.

The incidence in the last week of May was 417 people per 100,000 inhabitants and the test positivity was fifteen percent.

The increase in the number of reports on Saba is mainly due to the Carnival festivities on the neighboring island of Sint Maarten and clusters within households and among children.

Most of the infections reported in May concern people aged 0-17 (34 percent) and 40-69 year olds (26 percent).

Fifteen percent of the adults with a pre-acquired infection were vaccinated with two shots and 76 percent with two shots and a booster.

Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing

On Saba, three people with underlying ailments were hospitalized in May. One of them died after being admitted to Sint Maarten, but not as a result of covid-19.

In the last week of May, 202 people per 100,000 inhabitants in Curaçao received a positive test result and the test positivity was eighteen percent.

The hospital occupation on the island increased again last month after some time: 17 Corona related hospital admissions and three deaths were reported in May.

All the deceased were 75+ years and two of them were admitted to the hospital.

Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing
Covid-19 Positive Latest New Numbers on the islands increasing
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1st Annual Justice Ball In Honor of The Department

1st Annual Justice Ball In Honor of The Department

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬

What does the equal value of the euro and dollar mean for Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten?

Philipsburg – On Sunday, July 17th, 2022, the Justice Week celebrations culminated with a church service, followed by the Justice Parade,

ending with a night of elegance at the First Annual Justice Ball to recognize workers of the Ministry of Justice.

Justice Week events began on Monday, July 11th, consisting of a three-day Justice Conference at the Simpson Bay Resort which saw department heads,

management teams, and external partners discuss various topics of concern for the ministry while receiving critical feedback from a panel of experts in the field.

This was followed by the Ministry of Justice expo held on Thursday, unveiling 12 years of accomplishments within the ministry and the certification of 7 extraordinary immigration police officers.

On Friday, a block party was held where justice workers celebrated their hard work,

followed by the Justice Week Amazing Race team-building activity on Saturday, that saw more than six departments come together for great fun.

On Sunday morning, workers of the Ministry of Justice gathered at the Philipsburg Methodist Church for divine worship.

The service was attended by His Excellency Governor Eugene B. Holiday,

Honorable Chairlady of Parliament and Chair of the Justice Committee of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten,

Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson, Honorable Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport drs.

Rodolphe Samuel, department heads, management teams and workers of the Ministry, as well as members of the Voluntary Korps of St. Maarten (VKS) and the St. Maarten Youth Brigade.

“I am grateful as Minister of Justice, to be given an opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all workers of the Justice Chain for their dedication and unwavering commitment in serving the people of St. Maarten.

In your presence today church, on behalf of myself as Minister of Justice and the personnel of the justice chain, we want to express our profound gratitude to you for your prayers.

Thank you for including us in your prayers for protection, wisdom and guidance,” Minister Richardson said as she rendered words of thanks during the service.

Following the church service, the Justice Parade consisted of officers of the Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM), Customs St. Maarten,

Immigration and Border Protection Services, Coast Guard, and members of the Voluntary Korps of St. Maarten (VKS) and the St. Maarten Youth Brigade who marched through Philipsburg, ending at the Police Station.

During the ceremony, an updated plaque of the Walter R. Kramers Police Station was unveiled by Minister Richardson, Chief of Police Carl John and Ms. Suzette Kramers,

daughter of former Commissioner of Police and former Chief of Police, the late Walter R. Kramers who contributed significantly to the establishment of the station where it now stands.

Minister Richardson and Chairlady Heyliger-Marten also laid a wreath in honor of the late Officer Gamali “Benji” Benjamin.

The justice parade ended with words of encouragement to the officers by Chief of Police Carl John.

The First Annual Justice Ball was held on Sunday evening as the final event to recognize workers of the Ministry of Justice who have been committed to service for 25, 30, 35, and 40 years as well as outstanding workers. The well attended ball was filled with a night of elegance.

Present at the function were His Excellency Governor Eugene B. Holiday, Honorable Chairlady of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten, Deputy Prime Minister Egbert J. Doran, and Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson,

all who delivered congratulatory speeches. Also present were department heads, management teams, and workers of the Ministry together with their loved ones.

Following the speeches, workers of the Ministry were presented with certificates of recognition and awards by Minister Richardson and their respective department heads during the evening.

36 persons within the various departments of the Ministry received certificates for 25 years of service,

35 persons for 30 years of service. 7 persons within KPSM and one person of Immigration and Border Protection Services received certificates for 35 years of service,

and 4 persons within KPSM and one person from the Point Blanche Prison and House of Detention for 40 years of service.

In addition, 12 persons received awards of recognition; 7 for 35 years of service and 6 for 40 years of service. Addressing the audience, Minister Richardson thanked all justice workers for their hard work,

commitment and dedication to building the Ministry to where it is today.

A special highlight during the evening, was the awarding of Agency of the Year won by the Point Blanche Prison and House of Detention.

This was a deciding factor from the select panel of experts tasked with providing critical and structured feedback at this year’s Justice Conference,

based on the progress made at the prison during the past 12 months. The award was received by Prison Director, Mr. Steven Carty.

Another highlight was the special recognition of His Excellency Governor Holiday by Minister Richardson. In light of the Governor’s tenure coming to an end in a few months,

Minister Richardson opted to recognize his remarkable service and support, not only to the country over the past 16 years, but quite specifically to the Ministry of Justice.

In a few words, Minister Richardson addressed his Excellency and expressed how she appreciates the wisdom and guidance he has shared with her in the past two and a half years.

“Your support and wealth of knowledge that makes you who you are can’t be described in words. Thank You!” said Minister Richardson as she addressed His Excellency Governor Holiday on stage.

Minister Richardson presented His Excellency Governor Holiday with a crystal award that reads

‘The Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson Presents this award of appreciation to His Excellency Governor Eugene B. Holiday for all his years and dedication of service to Country St. Maarten. We salute you for a job well done!’

“I would like to humbly thank all who were in attendance for the various Justice Week events held in celebration of the justice chain of St. Maarten…

and the Justice Week Committee and sub-Committee for making it a success. Since 2020, the Ministry has made significant strides such as the achievement of the entire Ministry’s Function Book.

However, there is much work to be done, as such, I will continue to work in the interest of all workers of the justice chain to continue improving the ministry so that we can carry out Justice with optimal efficiency,” concluded Minister Richardson.

Photo caption: Director of the Point Blanche Prison and House of Detention Mr. Steven Carty accepting the plaque from Hon. Minister Anna E. Richardson for Agency of the Year.

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Madame Bernadette DAVIS, 2ème vice-présidente en charge du Cadre de vie, a représenté la Collectivité de Saint-Martin, mardi 12 juillet, lors de la Table ronde organisée par le Sénat sur la gestion des déchets dans les outre-mer.

Dans son intervention, madame Bernadette Davis a tout d’abord rappelé le contexte dans lequel évolue notre territoire depuis l’ouragan Irma en 2017, avec une hausse significative de la production des déchets.

“Saint-Martin doit aujourd’hui répondre à des enjeux de plus en plus importants et mettre en place des infrastructures s’inscrivant dans une dynamique de modernité et de durabilité”.

Madame Davis a notamment mentionné la nécessité pour Saint-Martin d’être accompagné à travers « un véritable plan de rattrapage », se traduisant par l’implantation de nouveaux outils pour le traitement des déchets mais aussi une réflexion sur la transformation de ceux-ci en source d’énergie.

La Collectivité de Saint-Martin mettra tout en oeuvre pour améliorer le traitement et le recyclage avec ses partenaires.

Le redéploiement du tri-sélectif des déchets, avec 220 nouvelles bornes d’apport volontaire (verre et le plastique), sera effectif d’ici la fin de cette année. Les bornes sont actuellement en cours de fabrication et seront livrées d’ici la fin de l’année.

« La gestion des déchets est un enjeu majeur pour Saint-Martin et nous nous y attelons. C’est aussi un secteur porteur d’emploi et de nouvelles filières à haute valeur ajoutée. Ces filières représentent une véritable opportunité pour notre jeunesse qui peut proposer des projets innovants et se positionner sur des emplois qualifiés », a conclu madame Davis.

Photo : Madame Bernadette DAVIS et monsieur José CARTI, directeur adjoint de l’Environnement.

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New Video PM Jacobs High- Level Political Forum 2022 Speech Recap

New Video PM Jacobs High- Level Political Forum 2022 Speech Recap Justice Minister Anna Rablis Richardson Gets Award 17th

New Video PM Jacobs High- Level Political Forum 2022 Speech Recap

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PHILIPSBURG “Let’s Take Care Of Our Sport Facilities 2022

PHILIPSBURG “Let’s Take Care Of Our Sport Facilities. 4 New Photos of the Groningen visits Sint-Maarten Latest

Help Keep Our Facilities Intact & Safe For Our Children,” is the message from The National Sports Institute (NSI),

as they launched their anti-vandalism campaign at the Melford Hazel Sports Centre on Friday.

Featuring prominently in the campaign is a banner that reads in part “Don’t Be A Zero, Be A Hero.”

The campaign will be ongoing through the 2022 sports year, with radio programs, social media exposure, and the culmination of an anti-vandalism walk-a-thon.

“The NSI has been seeing an increase in the vandalism & destruction and even theft at the sports facilities,” said Mike Cornet, Director of NSI which is responsible for the managing and maintaining of the government-owned sports facilities in St. Maarten.

“NSI wishes to bring the awareness to the community, that the sports facilities are meant for the use by the community, and therefore should be cared for by the community.”

NSI is asking the communities of St. Maarten to become more vigilant and assist the NSI in maintaining safe and intact sports facilities for all by being vigilant, speaking out to the youngsters, or calling the authorities when encountering these incidents.

The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, drs. Rudolphe Samuel, endorses this endeavour and pledges full support to the campaign.

For more information visit the NSI website: of on Facebook @nsisxm.

PHILIPSBURG “Let’s Take Care Of Our Sport Facilities 2022
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1 New Video Of the Vromi Minister Latest Update

1 New Video Of Vromi Ministry The Latest UpdateSint Maarten, like Dominica outlined its journey to sustainable development before the UN.

The Cupper drive project has been finalized and the general public can now enjoy the pathway. This path has been utilized by mainly students walking to and from school for decades. The area has been an issue specifically when it rains as it would become very wet and muddy and hinder the movement of pedestrians. This problem has now been solved and the public can enjoy the newly built pathway even at night as it has been equipped with lights.

While touring the area, the Minister and his team realized that a “Community Space” can also be developed in an effort to enhance the neighborhood. This would make the area more sociable and give the youth things to do so that they could pass their time more effectively.

The video also showcases the reparations of the Leopard drive in Cay Hill. This was a long overdue, but well appreciated project.

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Justice Minister Anna Rablis Richardson Gets Award 17th

Justice Minister Anna Rablis Richardson Gets Award 17th

Mussington Meets 9 Pageant Contestants Latest New Photos

ANNA RABLIS RICHARDSON: Being the first female Minister of Justice and being presented with the Lady of Justice along with a Ministry of Justice wall clock is beyond honorable in my book.


Thanks to everyone involved and who shares in the sentiment 🙏🏾🤍

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Sint Maarten, like Dominica outlined its journey to sustainable development before the UN.

Kingdom Council of Ministers APPROVES Weerwinds Recommendations Joint Court Justices for St Maarten, Curacao Aruba

Like Dominica, Sint Maarten outlined its journey to sustainable development before the UN.

As we share our lessons with the world, we look forward to collaboration & cooperation with Sint Maarten, in areas such as #renewableenergy & trade in agricultural produce.

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Hurricane Clean Up Schedule July/August 2022

The new vice president of the collectivité Mrs DAVIS Bernadette.

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