Central Bank Curaçao Sint Maarten (CBCS) classified as government affiliated entity and is placed back on the appendix to which the maximum top income applies, an the temporary reduction of staff by 12.5 percent.

The Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten (CBCS) is classified as a government-affiliated entity and is placed back on the appendix to which the maximum top income applies, as well as the temporary reduction of staff by 12.5 percent.

The Antilliaans Dagblad reads this in the third memorandum of amendment in connection with the ‘National Ordinance laying down rules for government-affiliated entities’, also called National Ordinance first tranche of optimization of government-affiliated entities.
The wording ‘replaced on the appendix’ suggests that this was also the case before, but not for some time afterwards, and now in the version of the law that the Council of Ministers of Curaçao has approved and that is presented to the States, it is again. . This is also reflected elsewhere in the explanation with the formulation: “In Appendix 1 is added: Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten”.
Article 2 of the Act discusses its ‘scope’. This national ordinance applies to government-affiliated entities and organizations or institutions that have health care contracts with the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) and are funded by the basic health insurance (bvz) or general insurance special health care (avbz) funds.
Furthermore, this national ordinance applies mutatis mutandis to: the ministries of the Country of Curaçao, the States, the Advisory Council (RvA), the Social and Economic Council (SER), the Ombudsman Institute, as well as the Ombudsman for Children and the Court of Audit of Curaçao ( ARC); the Coast Guard and the organization of the Law Enforcement Council.
Contrary to this, this National Ordinance does not apply to: political office holders; the vice-chairman and the members of the RvA; the chairman, members and deputy members of the SER; the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for Children; the chairman, members and deputy members of the ARC; and officials, equals and workmen.
This National Ordinance (also) does not apply to members of various organizations such as those of the Public Prosecution Service (OM), the Council for Law Enforcement and the Joint Court of Justice. The explanation refers to various appendices. Annex 1 is that of the government-affiliated entities. The Central Bank CBCS has now been added to this.
Annex 2 is being amended. Entities such as: Fundashon Kas di Kultura and the foundations of the Administration Office CDM Holding, Economic Development, Innovation Center Curaçao (ICC) and the Netherlands Antillean Academy will be abolished here. These are bankrupt, no longer active, in liquidation or merged. Foundations that are regarded as government-affiliated entities are also added, such as the Curaçao Probation Service, Security Care Justice, Ambulante Juvenile Youth Care Curaçao, GVI Curaçao and HNO Holding (Hospital Nobo Otrobanda).
The following are added to Appendix 3: Curaçao Data & Television nv; Curaçao Development Institute nv; and GI-RO Settlement Holding nv. These are public limited companies that have only been established recently, from about mid-2020.
A new appendix 4 has been added to the draft, listing the organizations or institutions that have healthcare contracts with the SVB and are funded by the bvz or avbz funds.
The remuneration of a top official per calendar year amounts to a maximum of 263,000 guilders. The remuneration includes the sum of the remuneration, the taxable fixed and variable expense allowances and the remuneration in the long term, in accordance with the Dutch Act on the Standardization of Top Incomes (NWnt).
Top executives include members of the highest executive and supervisory bodies, as well as members of the highest executive group or those charged with the day-to-day management of the entity.
The scheme covers the government and government-affiliated entities, such as state-owned companies and publicly funded foundations and other institutions that are financed at least 50 percent from the budget.
In entities whose financial statements are audited by an auditor, the latter also audits compliance, reporting undue payments by the auditor to ministers and details of remuneration in a financial reporting document.
All entities in the (semi-)public sector are subject to an annual reporting obligation for the remuneration of all senior officials and for the remuneration of other employees and advisers insofar as they exceed the maximum.
All in all, it means that Curaçao has a legal arrangement in accordance with the NWnt.https://antilliaansdagblad.com/curacao/25177-cbcs-overheidsgelieerd

The attachments with all entities
Annex 1, as part of the National Ordinance first tranche optimization of government-affiliated entities, contains the following entities:

Inkorting 12,5% treft ook alle zorginstellingen

De Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten (CBCS) wordt aangemerkt als overheidsgelieerde entiteit en wordt weer op de bijlage geplaatst waarvoor het maximum topinkomen geldt, alsmede de tijdelijke inkorting van het personeel met 12,5 procent.


Dat leest het Antilliaans Dagblad in de derde nota van wijziging in verband met de ‘Landsverordening houdende vaststelling van regels voor overheidsgelieerde entiteiten’ ook wel Landsverordening eerste tranche optimalisering overheidsgelieerde entiteiten.
De formulering ‘weer op de bijlage geplaatst’ suggereert dat dit eerder ook al het geval was, maar daarna enige tijd niet, en nu in de versie van de wet waarmee de ministerraad van Curaçao heeft ingestemd en die aan de Staten aangeboden wordt, weer wel. Dat komt ook elders in de toelichting terug met de formulering: ,,In bijlage 1 wordt toegevoegd: Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten”.
In artikel 2 van de wet wordt ingegaan op de ‘reikwijdte’ ervan. Deze landsverordening is van toepassing op de overheidsgelieerde entiteiten en de organisaties of instellingen die zorgcontracten hebben met de Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) en bekostigd worden door de fondsen basisverzekering ziektekosten (bvz) of algemene verzekering bijzondere ziektekosten (avbz).
Verder is deze landsverordening van overeenkomstige toepassing op: de ministeries van het Land Curaçao, de Staten, de Raad van Advies (RvA), de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER), het instituut de Ombudsman alsmede van de Kinderombudsman en de Algemene Rekenkamer Curaçao (ARC); de kustwacht en de organisatie van de Raad voor de Rechtshandhaving.
In afwijking hiervan is deze Landsverordening niet van toepassing op: politieke ambtsdragers; de ondervoorzitter en de leden van de RvA; de voorzitter, de leden en de plaatsvervangende leden van de SER; de Ombudsman en de Kinderombudsman; de voorzitter, de leden en de plaatsvervangende leden van de ARC; en ambtenaren, gelijkgestelden en werklieden.
Deze Landsverordening is (ook) niet van toepassing op leden van verschillende organisaties zoals die van het Openbaar Ministerie (OM), de Raad voor de Rechtshandhaving en het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie. De toelichting spreekt van diverse bijlagen. Bijlage 1 is die van de overheidsgelieerde entiteiten. Daar is de Centrale Bank CBCS nu toch weer aan toegevoegd.
Bijlage 2 wordt gewijzigd. Hierin komen entiteiten te vervallen zoals: Fundashon Kas di Kultura en de stichtingen Administratiekantoor CDM Holding, Economische Ontwikkeling, Innovatie Centrum Curaçao (ICC) en Nederlands Antilliaanse Academie. Deze zijn failliet, niet meer actief, in liquidatie of gefuseerd. Er worden ook stichtingen die als overheidsgelieerde entiteiten worden aangemerkt aan toegevoegd zoals de stichtingen Reclassering Curaçao, Beveiligingszorg Justitie, Ambulante Justitiële Jeugdzorg Curaçao, GVI Curaçao en HNO Holding (Hospital Nobo Otrobanda).
In bijlage 3 worden toegevoegd: Curaçao Data & Television nv; Curaçao Development Institute nv; en GI-RO Settlement Holding nv. Het betreft overheids-nv’s die pas recent, vanaf ongeveer medio 2020, zijn opgericht.
Aan het ontwerp is een nieuwe bijlage 4 toegevoegd, luidende de organisaties of instellingen die zorgcontracten hebben met de SVB en bekostigd worden door de fondsen bvz of avbz.
De bezoldiging van een topfunctionaris bedraagt per kalenderjaar ten hoogste 263.000 gulden. Tot de bezoldiging wordt gerekend de som van de beloning, de belastbare vaste en variabele onkostenvergoedingen en de beloningen op termijn, overeenkomstig de Nederlandse Wet normering topinkomens (NWnt).
Tot de topfunctionarissen worden gerekend de leden van de hoogste uitvoerende en toezichthoudende organen, alsmede de leden van de hoogste groep leidinggevenden daaronder of degenen belast met de dagelijkse leiding van de entiteit.
Onder de regeling vallen de overheid en de overheidsgelieerde entiteiten, zoals overheidsbedrijven en publiek gefinancierde stichtingen en overige instellingen die voor minimaal 50 procent gefinancierd worden vanuit de begroting.
Bij entiteiten waarvan de jaarrekening wordt gecontroleerd door een accountant, controleert deze ook de naleving van de wet, waarbij onverschuldigde betalingen door de accountant worden gemeld bij de ministers en gegevens inzake bezoldiging in een financieel verslaggevingsdocument worden vermeld.
Voor alle entiteiten in de (semi-)publieke sector geldt een jaarlijkse publicatieplicht in jaarverslag of verantwoording voor de bezoldiging van alle topfunctionarissen en voor de beloningen van overige medewerkers en adviseurs voor zover zij het maximum te boven gaan.
Al met al komt het erop neer dat Curaçao een wettelijke regeling heeft overeenkomstig de NWnt.

De bijlagen met alle entiteiten
Bijlage 1, als onderdeel van de Landsverordening eerste tranche optimalisering overheidsgelieerde entiteiten, bevat de volgende entiteiten:

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Latest COVID-19 Updates St Maarten Government

Latest COVID-19 Updates St Maarten Government

Posted in Coronavirus Covid19 St Maarten, COVID 19 Corona Virus St Maarten, Covid 19 Travel Restrictions | Tagged | Leave a comment

Former MP Silvio Matser sentenced to 40 months jail time in tax crimes case

Former MP sentenced to 40 months jail time in tax crimes case
Businessman and former Member of Parliament (MP) S.M. has been convicted by the Court of First Instance to twenty-two months imprisonment and has had a prior conditional sentence of eighteen months from a previous case converted also into jail time. The conversion was based on S.M. being found to have committed money-laundering and the tax-related crimes during his probation from the previous case.

The Court of First Instance handed down its sentence on Thursday, February 10, 2022, in the “Draco” investigation into S.M. and his co-suspects L.J.J., G.F. and D.N.L. “Draco” stemmed from the “Emerald” investigation into fraud and the use of false invoices in Port St. Maarten in 2016. Video 2 Vsa Minister Omar Ottley Covid 19 Business hours will be extended to 1 am, on Friday

The Court sentenced co-suspect G.F. to six months (conditional) with probation of three years.

D.N.L. received a sentence of five months (conditional) with probation of three years and 216 hours of community service.

L.J.J. was sentenced to conditional jail time of four months with probation of four years and 216 hours of community service.


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Photos+ Videos St Maarten Border War: The Unethical French Authorities Vs. The Criminal Dutch Authorities

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Did you know that it is mandatory for you to carry your local identification card at all times?

Did you know that it is mandatory for you to carry your local identification card at all times?

According to the National Ordinance containing general measures on the identification obligation (https://lokaleregelgeving.overheid.nl/CVDR142010/2)

Article 1
1.Every person from the age of 12 is obliged to carry at all times an identity document relating to him as referred to in Article 2.

3.Every person as referred to in the first paragraph is obliged, upon request, to immediately provide an identity document as referred to in the first paragraph for inspection to the investigating officers, referred to in Articles 184 and 185 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, insofar as this is reasonably necessary for the application and enforcement of:

a. the National Ordinance admissions and expulsion (LTU);

b. the Compulsory Education Ordinance.

Posted in Anna Richardson Rablis, sxm police, sxm politics, Sxm St Maarten News | Tagged | Leave a comment

Happening Now Accident La Savanne Saint Martin

Happening Now Accident La Savanne Saint Martin


Video 1 Justice Minister Richardson happy that illegal hawkers harassing tourists rounded up. Businesses fined, undocumented detained

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Video 2 Vsa Minister Omar Ottley Covid 19 Business hours will be extended to 1 am, on Friday

Video 2 Health Minister Omar Ottley If Covid 19 continues To Decline, Phase 2 will be eliminated Business hours will be extended to 1 am, on Friday


** Minister Ottley: business hours extension forthcoming **

On Wednesday February 9th, during the live Council of Ministers press briefing, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley announced that if the hospitalization and active numbers continue in its current trajectory, business hours will be extended to 1 am as soon as Friday February 11th.

The Minister then stated that while we have always been at the fore front of the COVID-19 realities, we now see the rest of the world speaking of the endemic nature of the virus and they are slowly lifting their COVID-19 protocols.

Minister Ottley announced that St. Maarten is busy with their normalcy strategy and it will be scheduled to role out as soon as May 2022. “We have to come to the reality that COVID-19 is something that will be around for a very long time”. said Ottley.

The Minister notified the press that if hospitalizations remain on the downside for the rest of the week, business hours will be extended to 1 am with phase 2 (11pm) being eliminated. We are on a forward trajectory towards normalcy and cannot keep going backwards.

Video 2 Omar Ottley 6 Patients. 1 vaccinated, 5 unvaccinated


417 active cases Dutch St Maarten. 6.9% treshhold. St Maarten Government on a trajectory to normalcy. St Maarten is setting the Trends, other countries are following. Vaccines are at CPS at Vineyard building.
If Covid 19 Numbers continue in a positive trajectory, and decreases, Phase 2 will be eliminated … Business hours will be extended to 1 am, on Friday if numbers continue to decline.
The Minister of VSA Omar E. C Ottley also signed the DCHA Dutch Caribbean Hospital Alliance includes disaster management and PPE assistance etc.
SER meeting concerning minimum wage proposal is being arranged.


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Video 1 Justice Minister Richardson happy that illegal hawkers harassing tourists rounded up. Businesses fined, undocumented detained


Video 1 Justice Minister Richardson happy that illegal hawkers harassing tourists rounded up. Businesses fined, undocumented detained

Immigration Dept., KPSM, Customs, and Insp. TEATT & VSA carryout controls in St. Peters

𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐊𝐏𝐒𝐌, 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐓 & 𝐕𝐒𝐀 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭. 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚

Philipsburg – The Immigration and Border Protection Services (IBP), the Sint Maarten Police Force (KPSM), Customs Sint Maarten, and the Inspectorates of TEATT and VSA carried out multidisciplinary joint controls with results in the St. Peters area last evening, February 5, 2022. The joint efforts are carried out as overall controls for residence and work permits, illegal substances and business licenses.

During the multidisciplinary joint controls, two bars and one supermarket were fined for irregularities in their business documentation. Two lottery booths were also closed for the same reason. Additionally, the management of three of these businesses was summoned to the Ministry of TEATT on Monday, February 7, 2022. A total of 8 illegal persons were held in the operation and brought in for further investigations.

In accordance with Article 11.3 of the guidelines which is law, a valid form of identification is required when out in public. Individuals of the public must have a means or way of identifying themselves when approached by authorities. Failure to identify oneself to the authorities is a misdemeanor offense and may result in being fined or incarcerated.

The multidisciplinary team is executing their duties by law and reiterating that the joint controls will continue throughout various communities. The various agencies mentioned are advising persons and businesses alike to ensure that all business-related documents required by law are in place; whether it is a business license or work and residence permits. The multidisciplinary team would like to thank the community for their support and cooperation.

Posted in Anna Richardson Rablis, st maarten crime, St Maarten KPSM Korps Politie Sint Maarten, st maarten law, st maarten news | Tagged | Leave a comment

Another Covid-19 Death Dutch St Maarten

Another Covid-19 Death Dutch St Maarten

No options to challenge Dutch Kingdom government decisions in court


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No options to challenge Dutch Kingdom government decisions in court


No options to challenge Kingdom government decisions in court


The governments of Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten have no options to challenge a decision of the Kingdom government through the courts. This can be deduced from a letter that State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations Van Huffelen sent to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament today.

KPSM St Maarten Police Website Suspended By Bluehost Illegal Phishing, Social Engineering Malware or NON Payment

It remains to wait for a separate dispute settlement. That this should be done was laid down in the Charter in 2010, but the Netherlands subsequently did everything it could to postpone the consultations. In the end, the then minister Plasterk made a disputes law on his own initiative that deviated in the most important parts from what the parliaments of the four countries have agreed. Former State Secretary Knops withdrew the bill at the last minute.

Last year it was agreed at the Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultation that Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten will come up with a new proposal for a dispute settlement.

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