SXM GOVERNMENT PHOTOS judith roumou st maarten1 (78)

Okay when people telling others they should stand together even if they don’t like each other, to stand for wrong because whom they want you to stand with is local crooks and their family and friends, my stomach does roil at the plain nonsense. Yes the truth is some scared shitless of what going come out from an investigation.

The people suffering, you think their eyes not opening now? Just like you bawling the Dutch oppressing you, the local people crying out on YOU oppressing them. When you flying all over the world, eating lavishly, and the people from Pelican get kicked out their jobs, so illegals can come in and take the jobs because they did not want to pay locals their worth, and you scumbags did nothing, but live it up on your boats and turn up at your expensive parties, what you expect?

I get it you thought you would keep kicking the dogs and they to stupid to bite back right? Well there is a saying “A hungry man is an angry man.” When you mess with the dogs food, they soon feast of your fat, well fed ass. Welcome to pergotory, you created the cells for the dummies, only you were to stupid to plan properly, welcome to your creation. When people got to choose between paying high ass light/water bill and food, or high ass rent/mortgages and food or school fees, or gas to go work or food, you will see how stupid they are. You took the people kindness for weakness to long, time to pay the piper.

Who trying to keep who on the plantation now? If persons decided not to march they made a conscious decision, you being there does not constitute you marched for them. How you talking about they marching against oppression, when they you marching with are the biggest oppressors against women and those who can’t fight back. So trafficking women is a freedom? Turning women into prostitutes, then threatening them with returning them to their dire issues in their home countries if they defy you is freedom, is that not oppression?

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