France continues to have a ‘Master-Boy’ relationship with it’s Caribbean Colonies.

The French Continueing to block the borders just proves that they can NEVER change their colonial, slave mentality. French Europe and Dutch European has ZERO BORDERS IN PLACE. But the Black, uncivilized, savages of the islands must be restrained, detained…fully supervised. The Prefecture has pulled a lot of reasons for their BLATANT racism out of their asses, but the bottom line is…They fear the Blacks, so they must suppress the Blacks in order to control them. COVID19 is an excuse for the FRENCH to do, what they could NOT do during the December French St Martin riots: DIVIDE AND SURPRESS THE ST MAARTEN PEOPLE! DIVIDE AND CONQUER. WE NEED TO KICK THESE RACIST SUPERIORISTS AND COLONIALISTS DA F. OUTTA ST MARTIN / ST MAARTEN. DUTCH AND FRENCH BLACKS IN THE CARIBBEAN ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ALLOW THIS SLAVERY SHT TO PERSIST. HOW THE HE’LL DO THE EUROPEANS KEEP THEIR BORDERS OPEN AS THEY SEPARATE BLACK FAMILIES IN THE CARIBBEAN? France enslaved and oppressed millions! They freed themselves of the French yoke, yet here in the Caribbean they still have a ‘Master-boy’ relationship with minorities.

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