Video: MC Slotervaart Hospital Amsterdam makes 3 million per year producing distributing heroin. They have been hiding this income all this time.

The MC Slotervaart (formerly Slotervaart Hospital) in Amsterdam has been making millions of years in the production and distribution of heroin. The income from it has been withheld all this time.

Two journalists from Het Parool and NRC Handelsblad concluded this in the book De kraak van the Slotervaartziekenhuis – and the adventures of Aysel Erbudak that will be published on Friday.

The heroin is made by a subsidiary of the hospital on behalf of the Ministry of Health (VWS) and is intended for drug addicts who receive it under the supervision of a care provider.

Every year the so-called heroin-bv receives 3 million euros from VWS as compensation for its activities, more than 1 million of which is profit. That profit went to the equity of the hospital and until 2013, the Slotervaart Hospital thus earned a quarter of its equity in heroin.

Despite these major financial interests, heroin bv is not mentioned in the annual accounts of the hospital. In addition, the heroin bv paid out a profit to another company that is owned by the director of the heroin bv, hospital pharmacist Jos Beijnen. Profit distributions are prohibited for hospitals.


The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport claims to be aware of the profits that Slotervaart Hospital has made in recent years and states that it was agreed in 2012 that these would serve for scientific research. After the profit distribution by the heroin company, ‘further agreements were made’, as a result of which such constructions would no longer be possible, says VWS.

A spokesperson for the hospital was unable to comment on content on Wednesday afternoon. “We will respond in the afternoon with a response.” Former board chairman Aysel Erbudak of the Amsterdam Slotervaart Hospital also wanted to say nothing about it. “If the journalists write about it, it must be true, I really can’t say anything about it,” said Erbudak, who was fired in March 2103 for conflict.


Heroin BV is now no longer solely in the hands of the Slotervaart Hospital. The hospital was taken over in 2013 by the MC Group and the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (AvL). The AvL now has 51 percent of the shares in heroin bv, the Slotervaart 49 percent.

The hospital was regularly in the news badly due to malpractice. For example, Erbudak was dismissed in 2013 due to conflicts and in January this year the judge ruled that Erbudak had to repay the hospital 1.7 million euros. It is about money that, according to the judge, she “unlawfully removed from the hospital”.

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