Holland plans a ‘Statia Style’ Takeover of St Maarten

CDA i VVD ta kontemplá pa intervení den gobièrnu di Sint Maarten

CDA and VVD Parties Of The Netherlands Contemplate Dutch Intervention Of St Maarten.

DEN HAAG – CDA i VVD ta insistí pa intervení den gobièrnu di Sint Maarten. E dos partidonan di gobièrnu ta ‘masha prekupá’ pa e reedifikashon awor ku gabinete a kai atrobe.

The Hague – The CDA and VVD parties are calling for Higher Supervision of the government of St Maarten. They feel that the two main political parties in St Maarten were so distracted by the reconstruction of St Maarten, they cannot focus enough to maintain a stable government, and so it fell.

E echo ku reedifikashon ta retrasá pa motibu di e impase polítiko na e isla, ta frustra CDA i VVD. Tin miónes ta warda pa usa, pero aparentemente na Sint Maarten nan no por invertí esaki den e interes kolektivo.”

The fact of the matter is, there has been a delay in reconstruction, and the political impasse in St Maarten is frustrating the CDA and VVD. There are millions in funding available, that St Maarten is waiting to use. But apparently in St Maarten, the interest does not lie with the community as a whole.

“Mi ta haña masha grave di mira kon hende ta bai atras i ku mi no por hasi nada”. Van Dam ta bisa. “Mi ta haña ku komo parlamentario hulandes – sigur den direkshon di Konseho di Minister di Reino – mi mester tuma mi responsabilidat.”

“I think it’s terrible for me to see how the people are falling behind, and there is nothing that I can do about it.” Van Dam stated. I feel with the Dutch Parliament – secure in the guidance of the Advisor to the Kingdom’s Minister (Minister of Interior?) I have to accept my responsibility.

Pregunta den Kamer tokante e posibilidatnan di intervení

CDA i VVD konkretamente ke sa di sekretario di estado Raymond Knops (Relashonnan den Reino) ki posibilidat tin pa intervení den gobièrnu for di Den Haag.

Chamber Questions concerning possible intervention:

The CDA and VVD want to know in concrete terms from State Secretary Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops about the possibility of an intervention of the St Maarten Government, by the Hague.

“Mi ta masha prekupá pa e reedifikashon”, e miembro di Kamer di VVD Andre Bosman ta bisa. Segun Bosman di tur manera ta tempu pa Konseho di Minister di Reino ’buta preshon tur ku tin’.

I am very worried about the reconstruction, said lying bastard from the VVD, Chamber Member André Bosman. According to Bosman it is time for the Interior Minister to put pressure.

Spich di Marlin-Romeo ta impreshoná Den Haag

E promé minister ku entretantu a bira demishonario Leona Marlin Romeo djaluna a tene un spich na televishon, kaminda e ta proklamá elekshon nobo despues ku diferente parlamentario a baha na awa ku nan asiento.

The Hague impressed by Leona’s Marlin-Romeo speech

The Prime Minister meanwhile gave a speech on television and announced new elections and a different parliament ???

Marlin-Romeo a ekspresá diferente akusashon kontra parlamentario. Gabinete entre otro lo ta traha den un ‘kultura di miedu’ i for di den parlamento tabata animá pa violá konstitushon. Segun e tin ‘hende ku influensha pafó di parlamento ku bon mirá ta manda’.

Marlin-Romeo made various accusations against Parliament, saying that The Cabinet was made of a culture of fear, and that Parliament had voilated the Constitution. Also that there were outside influences affecting Parliament

E miembro di Kamer di CDA Chris van Dam ta bisa ku e ta hopi di shòk pa e spich di Marlin-Romeo. “Si un promé minister pone tur e kosnan aki banda di otro i den sierto sentido ta konfirmá sospecho i redu, mi no por sera mi oreanan pa esaki.”

Chamber Member of the CDA Chris van Dam said he was very shocked at Marlin-Romeo’s speech. “If a Prime Minister puts all things out there and is certain suspicion and gossip have been confirmed”

Prekupashon pa elekshon

Riba 25 di novèmber Sint Maarten ta bai urna atrobe. “Mi ta prekupá pa elekshon”, Van Dam (CDA) ta bisa. “Pasobra ken aktualmente por hasi loke ta bon pa Sint Maarten? Ku nuebe gabinete den dies aña esaki tin mi masha prekupá.

Busy with elections

On November 25th St Maarten is going to vote? I am worried about elections said Van Dam. Because who really wants what’s best for St Maarten. With the ninth cabinet in ten years, it has me very worried.

Intervení manera na Sint Eustatius?

CDA abiertamente ta pro e tumamentu ofer di gobièrnu, komparabel ku e manera ku esaki a sosodé na Sint Eustatius. Den Haag a hala gobièrnu lokal pone un banda na febrüari di 2018, despues ku un komishon a konkluí ku e munisipio ekstraordinario no tabata tuma lei na serio.

The same intervention as St Eustatius?

CDA is open to supervising the government in the same way as Statia.

“Mi ta kere esaki a yuda Statia masha hopi pa bai mas dilanti komo pais”, Van Dam ta bisa. “Mi no sa kiko ta posibel den Reino pa un pais separá”,pero sí mi ta haña ku a bira tempu pa investigá esaki.”

Intervení manera na Sint Eustatius ‘por ta un opshon’, e parlamentario hulandes di VVD André Bosman, ku huntu ku CDA a entregá pregunta na Kamer, ta haña. “Mi no ta ekskluí nada.”

“I think this helped Statia prosper as a nation” Van Dam said. “I don’t know what’s possible in the kingdom with an autonomous island. But I do believe it’s time to explore the options.”
“An intervention like we did in St Eustatius could be an option. I don’t exclude anything.” Andre Bosman VVD parliament member, who entered the parliamentary with the CDA, declaired.


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